
How does it feel to be in God’s embrace?

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

How does it feel to be in God’s embrace?
I don’t feel secure!

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Do they feel secure from Allah’s devising? No one feels secure from Allah’s devising except the people who are suffering loss.” [Qur’an 7:99] This means that God says, “I have designed this world in a way that if you feel secure, this will be to your loss! Don’t feel secure!” “So what should I do?” “Come to Me.” This is the way to get close to God. See! This is the way to get close to God.
“Do they then feel secure from God's devising schemes?” O God, what do You mean by devising a scheme?! Do You truly have a scheme? Devising a scheme means a tragedy or a calamity happens to a person suddenly, and despite all predictions and precautions, a person is hurt from a place he didn’t expect it.
People asked, “O Ali bin Abi Talib, how did your knowledge about God increase?” He said, “I have come to know God by seeing Him break down people’s determination.” We determine to do something and plan out everything, but He destroys our plan. We determine and prepare to do it. But our plans are ruined and we don’t get results. Imam Ali (as) said God showed him His power in these situations, and he saw God and came to know Him better. How interesting! This factor of insecurity, not thinking that whatever you determine to do will take place, is a factor for gaining knowledge.
See how God ruins plans. That is why when you say where you want to go tomorrow, say, “God willing.” God told the Prophet that there is no security. If you want to do something tomorrow, say, “God willing.” There is no security. I must allow it! O God, why do You say devising a scheme? It makes me feel insecure.
Once a teacher was beating his student. The student said, “Sir, it hurts!” The teacher said, “I’m beating you so that it will hurt. I’m not caressing you!” God doesn’t want us to have an unreasonable feeling of security. Yes, feeling secure in God’s embrace is the best security. “Now surely the Friends of God, they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.” [Qur’an 10:62]
Children feel insecure about others and go into their parents’ embrace. If a person is trained by the Qur’an, he will feel insecure more than that child and he will take refuge in God. [You may say,] “Why are you trying to make us little before God?” This is such a good question, even if it’s an objection. The reason is that then you will become like God. You’ll become a superpower. You’ll be able to change everything. You’ll be able to move the universe, split the moon, and bring back the sun!
Why should you be small before God? Because if you become small before Him, you’ll go into His arms [like a child]. If you are little before Him, you’ll get strength from God! This is the reality of the world. “Servitude is a gem and inside it is Lordship.” [Misbah al-Shari’ah, p. 536] Why should you become small and stick to God? Is this a weakness? [No.] This will cause you to reach the peak of power, enjoyment, love and affection. Why do you want to live without these?! This is the way and there is no other way!
[You might say,] “You want to belittle us, make us afraid of God, and frighten us of other factors for us to stick to God. Let us stand on our own two feet.” When standing on your own feet, where will you get to? Go to God and be able to travel through the earth (tay al-ard). “I want to stand on my own two feet.” Stand on your own feet. Where will you get to? Will you be able to go to the moon on your own two feet? But you can explore the universe when you’re in God’s embrace.
Imagine if a tall father hugs his child. The child will suddenly move up 3 meters. What will he see from up there? Do you remember when they would hug you? We would suddenly look at everything from above, like a tall person. “Akh! I was bothered looking around from down there!” He will bring you above the crowd and hug you. You’ll move up and look at the whole universe from above.
This is the way. It is impossible for us to become powerful and have a broader outlook without connecting to the Lord of the universe. [One may say,] “God, give me something, then I’ll leave.” You’re not able to leave, not even now. If you’re cut off from God’s power and care, you’ll stop breathing. We are all connected to and provided for by the Lord of the Universe.
O God, I don’t feel secure. This world is completely in Your hands. None of the causes and effects will guarantee my interests. This is the way to get close to God.

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