أحدث مقاطع الفيديو

Barr Pictures Media
2 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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This is part two of a two-part series exploring the life of Imam Ali ibn Al-Musa Reza Ridha (as), the eighth Shia Imam and one of the greatest Islamic scholars in history.
Presented by Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Directed by Reza John Vedadi
Broadcast TV channel: Imam Hussein TV

📌 Chapters:
00:26 His appointment as heir apparent
07:05 His debates with other scholars
18:25 His role in Khorasan
23:46 Famous incidents
27:18 His martyrdom
33:03 Importance of his ziyarah
36:37 Miracles relating to his shrine

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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#ImamReza #IslamicHistory #biography

Barr Pictures Media
2 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور


Great Mosque of Kufa is one of the most important places in Iraq. Many important prophets from Adam to Noah (as) have attended there.

It was the center of Imam Ali (as) government and it will be the center of government for his descendent Imam Mehdi (af).

Barr Pictures Media
11 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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This is a famous garden know as "the garden of Imam Hassan (as)". It was created by the late Sheikh Muhammad 'Ali al-'Amri, who was the great scholar from Medina, Arabia.
مزرعة الامام الحسن ( ع) مع سماحة السيد قاسم الجلالي

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#Medina #Hajj #المدينة

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Biography of Lady Fatima Masumeh presented by Dr Nicole Correri
Broadcast TV channel: Imam Hussein TV

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% ✔️off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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#biography #fatimamasumeh #islamichistory

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Title: Plastic Tea
Producer & Director: Hasan Habibollahzadeh

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#arbaeen #tea #environment

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

The original Ashura in London video from 2011.
This is a short video about Ashura procession and Imam Hussain's story in London 2011.
If you like the video please share it.
#Ashura #London #Muharram

Barr Pictures Media
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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A special spiritual journey to one of the most sacred lands in the world. After many days of walking to from Najaf to Karbala, we were honoured with the blessing of entering the two shrine of Imam Hussain (as) and Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas (as) as a mowkeeb, representing UK, USA, Canada, Kenya.

This was truly the climax of our journey!

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Marking the 33rd anniversary since the martyrdom of the shaheed Ayatollah Sayed Mohammed Baqir Al-Sadr, Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli discusses the ideas, life, biography and personality of this great scholar.

Barr Pictures Media
5 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

This is very emotional and powerful maseeb (retelling) the tragic martyrdom of Abdullah Ali Asghar the infant son of Imam Hussain (As) on the day of Ashura on the plains of Karbala by Sheikh Hamza Sodagar.

#Ashura #AliAsghar #ImamHussain

Barr Pictures Media
13 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

This was for many the highlight of their lives, to travel to the land of Iraq and visit the shrines of the infallible Imams of the house hold of Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh).

They visited the shrines of Imam Ali, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Abulfazl, Imam Musa Al Kazim and Imam Mohammed Al Jawad (as)

They also walked in the footsteps of Hazrat Zeinab (as) from Najaf to Karbala and felt some of the pain that she went through, and we entered the shrine of Imam Hussain and Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas (as) as a Mowkeeb representing, UK, USA, Canada, Kenya and Dubai.

Barr Pictures Media
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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One of the most beautiful Shia Azan was recited by brother Ali Fadhil on the way to Karbala from Najaf in Iraq during the Arbaeen procession.

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#Azan #Prayer #Islam

Barr Pictures Media
7 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

Please note: Audio is a little out of sync.

Sayed Ammar Nakshawani giving a lecture on the personality and biography of Imam Reza (as) in the holy Shrine of the eighth infallible Imam, Mashhad.

سماحة السيد عمار Nakshawani إعطاء محاضرة عن شخصية الإمام الرضا (ع) في مرقد الإمام المعصوم الثامن. 12 تشرين 2012 أبريل جزء من جولة الرحلات الروحية.
#ImamReza #SayedAmmar #Shia

Barr Pictures Media
11 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Short video from the grave of Prophet Muhamamd (s) companion, Bilal Habashi (ra) the first Mo'azin of Islam.
Biography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_ibn_Rabah

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#ProphetMuhammad #Bilal #HistoryofIslam

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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One of the most beautiful Shia Azan was recited by brother Ali Fadhil on the way to Karbala from Najaf in Iraq during the Arbaeen procession.

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#Azan #Prayer #Islam

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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This is an old 1-minute video of The outside of Imam Ali (as) haram, in the City of Najaf in Iraq (filmed in 2005).

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% ✔️off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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© BARR Pictures Media
#ImamAli #Najaf #Iraq

Barr Pictures Media
4 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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This documentary introduced the personality of Lady Zainab (as) the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (s) and one of the most important personalities within Shia and Islamic history.
Presented by Dr Nicole Correri
Broadcast TV channel: Imam Hussein TV

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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00:00 Introduction
01:15 The birth and early years of Lady Zainab (as)
02:22 Influence of her mother, father, brothers and her character
05:35 Her education and her achievements
09:36 Her marriage and children
11:09 Lady Zainab’s (as) relationship with Imam Hussain (as)
12:31 Role of Lady Zainab (as) in Karbala and day of Ashura
13:49 The epithets of Lady Zainab (as)
17:22 The role of Lady Zainab (as) as leader during and after the tragedy of Ashura
25:04 The journey to the cities of Kufa and Damascus
27:38 Lady Zainab’s (as) speech and fearless challenge to Yazid ibn Muawiya
31:53 Keeping the struggle of Imam Hussain (as) alive

© BARR Pictures Media
#Zainab #IslamicHistory #biography

Barr Pictures Media
3 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

This is an old footage of outside the Imam Hussain (as) and Hazrat Abbass Shrines in Karbala, Iraq. 2006 before the city was built up.

#karbala #imamhussain #iraq

Barr Pictures Media
6 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Please review on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26935323/

Title: Minibus مینی بوس (short film)
Language: Arabic عربي
Subtitles: Persian, English
Writer & Director: Aboozar Heidari

The plot revolves around a group of Iraqis during the time of the oppressive dictator Saddam, who are trying to navigate through a dangerous situation. Their minibus breaks down, and they are helped by a stranger to get it started again. They discuss their plans to escape to a safer location, expressing fear about being discovered and the violence they might encounter. They decide to go to the Palm-grove along the Euphrates River and from there to the next village. There are tense moments as they cross a bridge and navigate a difficult road, praying for safety. Towards the end of the clip, they encounter a group of Iraqi soldiers who seem suspicious of them, but they manage to convince the soldiers that they are not pilgrims but normal travellers. The video ends with them hurrying away, suggesting that their journey and the associated dangers are far from over as they approach Karbala and the Shrine of Imam Hussain.

وتدور المؤامرة حول مجموعة من العراقيين في زمن الديكتاتور القمعي صدام ، الذين يحاولون الإبحار في وضع خطير. تتعطل حافلتهم الصغيرة ، ويساعدهم شخص غريب في بدء تشغيلها مرة أخرى. يناقشون خططهم للهروب إلى مكان أكثر أمانًا ، معربين عن الخوف من اكتشافهم والعنف الذي قد يواجهونه. قرروا الذهاب إلى Palm-grove على طول نهر الفرات ومن هناك إلى القرية التالية. هناك لحظات متوترة وهم يعبرون جسرًا ويتنقلون في طريق صعب ، ويصلون من أجل الأمان. وقرب نهاية المقطع ، يواجهون مجموعة من الجنود العراقيين الذين بدت عليهم الشكوك حولهم ، لكنهم تمكنوا من إقناع الجنود بأنهم ليسوا حجاجًا ولكنهم مسافرون عاديون. وينتهي الفيديو بإسراعهم بعيدًا ، مما يشير إلى أن رحلتهم والمخاطر المرتبطة بها لم تنته بعد مع اقترابهم من كربلاء وضريح الإمام الحسين.

🎹Music by Omid Roshanbin https://www.instagram.com/omid.....roshanbin/?igshid=1

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#ShortFilm #arbaeen #Karbala

Barr Pictures Media
7 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Ata - Iranian Short Film
Directed by Mohammad Reza Kheradmandan

Distributed by BARR Pictures Media

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% ✔️off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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#Shortfilm #Iranian #films

Barr Pictures Media
6 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

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Name: Shelter
Director & Producer: Aboozar Heidari
Distributed by: BARR Pictures Media

🎹Music licensing site we use:
Sound Stripe: https://soundstripe.com?fpr=barrpictures (use coupon code: 👉🏽 “BARRPICTURES” for 10% ✔️off a yearly or monthly subscription)

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