
Why do we feel lonely? | Alireza Panahian

0 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Don’t go towards the forbidden tree!

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We are not alone. There is God. God loves us. This feeling that you are alone is a false feeling. The same feeling that Hazrat Adam (‘a) had too. Satan said, “Think of yourself.”
We human beings are creatures who must gain value ourselves. We are not like angels whose value is fixed, and they can’t increase their value. Since we are creatures who must gain value ourselves, naturally God has to give freedom to us. He has given it.
He has to give us a few kinds of interests: liking goodness, badness, uncleanness, small things, etc. God has given us a few kinds of interests. If He gave us only one interest, we would always choose that. Then our freedom would have been meaningless.
If He left us free, but gave us one kind of interest, one kind of ability, and one kind of need, it is obvious that we would go in that direction. So, there must be various interests in our being.
When there are various interests and we are free, God must put us in a situation to be tested. What does this mean? He puts us in a dilemma so that we can choose. We are put in a dilemma, where each way seems to be in our favour. We must have a choice for us to be in a dilemma. Also, we must have different interests so that we can gain value, use this freedom, and make a good choice.
When a human being is in this situation, God must be hidden a little. The topic “believing in the unseen” arises. If the Houris from Heaven stand just a few steps away and start signalling us, it’s obvious what we’re going to choose. So, He has to hide some things a little. God has to be silent a little for human beings to gain value. He doesn’t respond very quickly to me so that my choice has value. He doesn’t reward me quickly for my good deeds.
Suddenly, I become alone! And, the cursed Satan abuses my loneliness. Satan caused our father Adam to make a mistake in Heaven, and God didn’t intervene. God had told Adam, “Don’t touch this tree. This is the forbidden tree. Use all the other trees.” Satan used Adam’s loneliness.
When Adam was alone, Satan said, “Shall I direct you to the Tree of Eternity and a kingdom which never decays?” (Qur’an, 20:120) Do you want me to do this? For a moment, Adam forgot God and His Kindness. He thought he is alone and has to take care of himself.
“Adam disobeyed his Lord.” He made a mistake. When God left him alone a little, Adam started thinking. He started thinking about his own future and his own interests. Hazrat Adam (‘a) became negligent. Why did Adam make a mistake? He worried about tomorrow. Who becomes worried about tomorrow? A person who doesn’t feel that a Kind power is supporting him. What happens to a person who worries about his future? He becomes bad. His behavior becomes bad. His heart becomes hard.  
Why don’t we believe in God’s Kindness, gradually forget it, and become suspicious? Because, the environment of human beings’ lives, due to the tests, is such a way that we feel lonely. We feel lonely when we see that God isn’t near and accessible to us, and He doesn’t answer us quickly. From this feeling of loneliness, we get to the point that we feel no one loves us. No one is watching over us.
We leave that beautiful serenity of our childhood. I have told the example from Ayatollah Bahjat about this several times. He said that a child is never worried about tomorrow’s lunch. He says, “Mom will fix it.” “What if your mom doesn’t give you food?!” He’ll look at you strangely, “If my mom doesn’t give me food…?! Can’t you understand?! Don’t you know Mom?! Mom!”
Can we live like this? Can’t we work for tomorrow but not be worried? With calmness and our own choice? Why do we forget God’s Kindness? Usually if we think, we’ll believe that God is kind. Why do we even start being suspicious about God? Because the substance of our life is a test. We must be alone while being tested. Then, we think that we are completely alone. When we think that we are alone, we think about our future like Hazrat Adam (‘a).
“Shall I direct you to the Tree of Eternity?” Satan is the cursed one who constantly tempts us. He drags us to the forbidden tree so that we think about our future interests. Don’t be afraid! Your future interests are in God’s Hands.  
Why have you forgotten God’s Kindness? We are not alone. There is God. God loves us. This feeling that you are alone is a false feeling. The same feeling that Hazrat Adam (‘a) had too. Satan said, “Think of yourself.” And he dragged him to the forbidden tree. Never go towards the forbidden tree because you feel lonely. God is very kind.
[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “How should we believe in God’s Kindness?” Session No. 6]

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