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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Agha Panahian explains to us that some things can only be understood by the heart. Allah\\\'s love for us can only be understood by the heart. Even if we are drowned in sin, Allah waits for us to whisper to Him.

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "Why does God command me?" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

The link for the book "Why does God command me?" written by Ali Reza Panahian:
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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

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I'm proud that my family have become martyrs.

And God is enough for me!

And He is the best patron and supporter.

Farah Jamal Musavi is a child from Khan Yunis.

She's looking at the rubbles of her house after the bombardment by the Zionist regime.

I was sitting with some girls my age on Friday.

We were playing and were happy.

But suddenly something surprising happened.

 The other girls and I were playing happily,

and now we're not feeling good after our house was destroyed on us.

We couldn’t see anything but darkness.

This girl lost her entire family due to the bombing of her sister's house where they had taken shelter.

I have lost my mother, my father and my three sisters.

And thanks God.

I mean, see, the greatest day is the day they were martyred.

And it was on the biggest day, a Friday.

Farah sent a live message to the world by way of Al-Jazeera.

Despite the sadness and grief I am feeling due to losing my family,

I want to send a message to all the world.

I am definitely proud that my family was martyred.

And God is enough for me.

And he is the best patron and supporter. That's it.

Ali Reza Panahian
1 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Why do unbelievers try to not see the realities of life?
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O God, why are You so angry and so upset with the unbelievers?! You talk against them very much! In chapter “Muhammd,” you order to fight them with severity. You forbid the believers from loving them. Your special gift in chapter “Hujurat” is creating hatred toward unbelief in people’s hearts. “He has made detestable to you unbelief, wrongdoing, and disobedience.” [Qur’an 49:7] Why is God so upset with the unbelievers?! And why aren’t we like that? We don’t have an accurate understanding of unbelief, so we are not upset. If we have an accurate perception of unbelief, we will be upset too. So what does unbelief mean?
What is unbelief? It refers to a person who deliberately escapes from reality. He ignores reality [and hides the truth]. Well, that's bad. How much do you want to keep doing this? One time you didn’t see a reality in one corner. Once you ignored another reality in another corner. A different time you saw something, but you lied, the common lies that people sometimes tell. Well, if this is what you are always doing, and you don't want to be realistic on fundamental issues, you have messed up God's plan.
God created people to choose. What is the necessary factor one needs to choose? Seeing. But you are completely against seeing! You want to cut off any connection with reality. So what did God create? Why did God create us?! He created us to be able to decide and choose based on our own will. In making these choices, we should constantly keep making the best choices and move toward Him step by step.
But when you decide to not see at all, you are completely undermining making choices. They bring two sweets or two scenes in front of you, and they tell you to choose or to judge. But you close your eyes saying, “I don't want to see at all.” You messed up the plan. You are messing up the game! Open your eyes and choose. One time you make a mistake; one time you behave correctly. One time you see more accurately; one time you see inaccurately. These things happen to a person because he is a human being. But you want to mess up the game completely!
One reason for God's anger is that seeing and being realistic are the essence of creation. Otherwise, why did God create human beings? See reality! You may choose the wrong angle for looking at realities at times. We will try to fix that together. Sometimes you attach importance to something and sometimes you don’t. We’ll try to fix this. This is the story of human life and the growth that one should achieve. But sometimes you try to not see anything at all and you disconnect yourself from reality.
The unbeliever has another characteristic too. What is that characteristic? He pushes others to disconnect themselves from reality too. He doesn't just stay in his own shell! Actually, this is what God talks about in the beginning of this chapter. “Those who do not believe and turn (people) away from the way of God…” [Qur’an 47:1] God’s way is for people to see reality.
In another place in the Qur’an, it says the unbelievers like you to be an unbeliever too. Why? “Out of envy for their souls.” [Qur’an 2:109] [We can say] they envy you because you are realistic! They want to do something so that you won’t be realistic either. How does Satan want to lead everyone into unbelief and despair?
He hurt Prophet Adam with the poison of despair. He said, “Shall I direct you to the Tree of Eternity and a kingdom which never decays?” [Qur’an 20:120] What should Adam have said? He should have said, “The God Who gave me these things has thought about my immortality too. I don’t need anything else. If I want to, I will tell God Himself, ‘O God, make me eternal and make Your blessings eternal.’”
Satan told Adam (as), “No one is thinking of you.
God doesn’t care about you. I will show you a way.” He tried to be smart! Unbelief means not seeing God’s grace! God became upset with Prophet Adam. This caused Adam to fall and be expelled from Heaven. Adam and Eve cried for years and said, “God, forgive us. We neglected You for a moment!”
The unbelievers are addicted to not seeing reality. They cause you to become addicted to not seeing reality too. So God gets upset. An unbeliever is a person who doesn’t see reality, especially the great realities of the universe that are very influential in a person’s life.

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

The Truman Show

It’s a very interesting world, a person’s own world. The most beautiful serial is the one about a human being himself. There is a movie that I applaud. It is a very good movie. “The Truman show,” yes. I applaud it very much. What was it about? I will tell you the story.
They have made a studio and everyone is acting in it. It is a small city. There is a young man but he is not acting. They have put cameras everywhere. His life is a serial which everyone is watching every day. The only person, who is not acting and is himself, is Truman.
Then he becomes fond of someone. They want to marry. The director feels that if Truman marries, the appeal of the movie will diminish. He says, “We will break up this marriage.” He is a human being too. He says cleverly, “Oh, who is breaking it up?”
There is an old man, who is his father. Then he finds out that he is not his father. The suspense of the story starts here. He gets on a boat. He realizes that his environment is not normal. Everyone is acting. He goes until he runs into the wall of the studio. He looks around and says, “So all of this was a movie, this city where I have been living since my childhood?!” Yes, you were the Truman of this city.
You dear gentlemen are the Trumans of this city. Everyone around you is acting so that you may be tested. God’s video cameras are everywhere. It takes 50,000 years to show you your own serial in the Hereafter!
Now, who has this meeting been held for? Please answer me. Us? Me! We will repeat for our friends to answer correctly. Who has this meeting been held for? Who is Truman? On whom has the camera of this meeting zoomed? For whom is the speaker talking? After this meeting, God will go home with which one of us? You say, “We went to the meeting, and God saw us…” There is no ‘Us’. Me! Everything was because of ‘me’! When a believer passes away, he asks God, “Why did you bring me here without telling me beforehand?” God says, “I told you three times.” “When?”
“The first time was two years ago when your neighbour passed away.” “Aha! Was that for me?” “Yes, haven’t you heard the story of Truman?” “And the next time?” “When one of your relatives passed away last year.” “Aha! Was that the second notice for me?” “Yes. Another of your relatives passed away last year… You had recently seen him.” “Aha! Yes! Yes!” “Do we have to tell you more than three times?” “I didn’t pay attention!” O God, this person is so off! He is not paying attention! He is… (But, God says,) “No, we had informed him.”
Let’s read the tradition, “Whenever there is a funeral procession, imagine yourself to be in that coffin.” When everyone is saying ‘There is no god except for Allah,’ say goodbye to everyone. When they are putting him in the grave, beg God, ‘O God, return me! Please! I am not ready!’ When they have put him in the grave say, ‘God has told me to go and given me life again.’” This is a tradition. They have emphasized to participate in memorial processions. At least walk seven steps. “What is the secret behind these seven steps?” Nothing. Just think while taking these steps. There is no secret. It is obvious. (People say,) “But I was talking with my friends while I was taking these seven steps.”
You dear gentlemen are the Trumans of this city. Everyone around you is acting so that you may be tested. God’s video cameras are everywhere. It takes 50,000 years to show you your own serial in the Hereafter!

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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Is the process more important or the standard?

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

What are we supposed to gain from the divine tests?

The aim of the system of divine tests is one virtue, and not various virtues to list and say, “What about his patience? Patience? We haven’t taken the patience test from him. Or, what about his generosity, or stinginess? We haven’t taken a test from him on this other topic either.” Then suddenly, another angel says, “But, he doesn’t have any money. Take that test later too.”
The aim of the system of divine tests is one thing. It is trying to get us close to God. How? By increasing our capacity, tolerance, and harmony with our Lord. By increasing our capacity! Capacity, tolerance, and harmony are three descriptions for one state in a human being’s existence.
The tests may involve our patience, receiving blessings, gaining a position, or not gaining a position. The kind of test doesn’t matter. If a person gains the capacity and worthiness to meet the God of the universe with the test that God has determined for him, which is the ultimate goal of creation, that’s good. There is no need for everyone to be tested with wealth.
We have to accept the principle that human beings should be different from each other. Otherwise, we cannot live with each other. When the Almighty God puts these differences, each person should be tested with tribulations in accordance with his aptitude, capacity, and spirit, for this person’s spirit to expand. God puts him in a situation where he must decide to see whether he makes the best choice, or not.
I don’t know the exact characteristics of greatness of a person’s soul, or the behavioral goal that God wants. But, we must ready ourselves for meeting God. It is possible that you are patient, worship, and do many good deeds. But God forbid, perhaps in the main test you have turned yourself into an evil person. Did you know that if a person is a villain, Satan gives him a good mood for worshiping so that he won’t understand that he has failed all his tests? A tradition says, “If a person creates an innovation in religion, his humility in praying will increase.”
“Sir, so how can I realize whether I am doing well, or not?” “I told you that I don’t know where you should reach to. I only know that you should get ready to meet God. I didn’t say that you should pray very much! Did I say that? Did I say repeat God’s names very much? Did I say that you should become brave in the battlefield? What did I say should happen?”
“Nothing. You didn’t say any of these. You avoided saying it. You said that you should gain a harmony, a passion, and the capacity for meeting God. You said something obscure like this.”
“I swear to God, that it is obscure. One can’t easily name it.”
“What about striving hard in the way of God?!”
“No. that is not a criterion either.”
“Prayer! Praying the Midnight Prayer. Crying! Sir! Whoever cries in front of God is in a good state!”
“What am I telling you? I’m saying that sometimes Satan gives the ability to cry a lot in front of God to the most villainous people!”
We are to increase our capacity, tolerance, and harmony with our Lord through the divine tests. The aim of the system of divine tests is one thing. God puts him in a situation where he must decide to see whether he makes the best choice, or not.

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "Why does God command me?" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

The link for the book "Why does God command me?" written by Ali Reza Panahian:
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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Wasn’t I wasted?

Imam Sadiq (a) said, “Disbelief has three roots: greed, arrogance, and jealousy.” Then he said that greed drove the prophet Adam (a) out from Heaven. Arrogance made Satan wretched. Jealousy tuned Cain into a murderer, and so on.
Shall I give another example? Shall I? I want to give a very bad example. Sometimes… What shall I say? Shall I not give this example at all? I’ll tell you what the example was, and then not use it. This is much better. Yes, then curiosity will bother you. I will tell you what the example was, and then I won’t use it.
A man and a woman get married. Before the marriage, the girl was wishing for a good marriage. Now that she has a good marriage, greed afflicts her. “There are more people who can pay attention to me.” They start behaving badly and arguing. According to the statistics, many divorces take place in the first, second, or third year of marriage. Most divorces.
Why? “Wasn’t I wasted?” Put your greed aside! Calm down. This (thought) enters the heart so subtly that suddenly she sees her husband’s bad traits and lacks. Suddenly she sees better options. The same things happen in a man too.
I usually don’t do counselling. But, when young couples have a problem I say, “What is it? You don’t have anything else to worry about?” It was a bad example, but this badness exists in our society. This evil (avarice) shows itself in marriage. This even drove Adam out from Heaven! They are not ideal. All of us have some problems. Satan is a swindler! Satan does this by saying, “Ms. Bride, weren’t you wasted in marrying him?” With just this, he drove Adam out from Heaven!
If the couple are not greedy, their love for each other increases daily. “My spouse is too good for me! Praise God. Praise God.” What a love and kindness grows for each other in them! Sometimes one of them becomes greedy, sometimes both of them. Sometimes this one. Sometimes that one. We can see various cases. When you get a position, greed comes with it and ruins everything. You get married, greed comes with it.
This is a tradition, “Whenever God opens a door in the world for you, He opens a desire to go with it.” This comes with it. What is it called when they give something along with a product? Greed is like this. This is human nature. Read the verse from the Quran, “Indeed, man has been created covetous.” He has been created in this way!
This (thought) enters the heart so subtly that suddenly she sees her husband’s bad traits and lacks. Suddenly she sees better options. The same things happen in a man too. Put your greed aside!

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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

How does it feel to be in God’s embrace?
I don’t feel secure!

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Do they feel secure from Allah’s devising? No one feels secure from Allah’s devising except the people who are suffering loss.” [Qur’an 7:99] This means that God says, “I have designed this world in a way that if you feel secure, this will be to your loss! Don’t feel secure!” “So what should I do?” “Come to Me.” This is the way to get close to God. See! This is the way to get close to God.
“Do they then feel secure from God's devising schemes?” O God, what do You mean by devising a scheme?! Do You truly have a scheme? Devising a scheme means a tragedy or a calamity happens to a person suddenly, and despite all predictions and precautions, a person is hurt from a place he didn’t expect it.
People asked, “O Ali bin Abi Talib, how did your knowledge about God increase?” He said, “I have come to know God by seeing Him break down people’s determination.” We determine to do something and plan out everything, but He destroys our plan. We determine and prepare to do it. But our plans are ruined and we don’t get results. Imam Ali (as) said God showed him His power in these situations, and he saw God and came to know Him better. How interesting! This factor of insecurity, not thinking that whatever you determine to do will take place, is a factor for gaining knowledge.
See how God ruins plans. That is why when you say where you want to go tomorrow, say, “God willing.” God told the Prophet that there is no security. If you want to do something tomorrow, say, “God willing.” There is no security. I must allow it! O God, why do You say devising a scheme? It makes me feel insecure.
Once a teacher was beating his student. The student said, “Sir, it hurts!” The teacher said, “I’m beating you so that it will hurt. I’m not caressing you!” God doesn’t want us to have an unreasonable feeling of security. Yes, feeling secure in God’s embrace is the best security. “Now surely the Friends of God, they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.” [Qur’an 10:62]
Children feel insecure about others and go into their parents’ embrace. If a person is trained by the Qur’an, he will feel insecure more than that child and he will take refuge in God. [You may say,] “Why are you trying to make us little before God?” This is such a good question, even if it’s an objection. The reason is that then you will become like God. You’ll become a superpower. You’ll be able to change everything. You’ll be able to move the universe, split the moon, and bring back the sun!
Why should you be small before God? Because if you become small before Him, you’ll go into His arms [like a child]. If you are little before Him, you’ll get strength from God! This is the reality of the world. “Servitude is a gem and inside it is Lordship.” [Misbah al-Shari’ah, p. 536] Why should you become small and stick to God? Is this a weakness? [No.] This will cause you to reach the peak of power, enjoyment, love and affection. Why do you want to live without these?! This is the way and there is no other way!
[You might say,] “You want to belittle us, make us afraid of God, and frighten us of other factors for us to stick to God. Let us stand on our own two feet.” When standing on your own feet, where will you get to? Go to God and be able to travel through the earth (tay al-ard). “I want to stand on my own two feet.” Stand on your own feet. Where will you get to? Will you be able to go to the moon on your own two feet? But you can explore the universe when you’re in God’s embrace.
Imagine if a tall father hugs his child. The child will suddenly move up 3 meters. What will he see from up there? Do you remember when they would hug you? We would suddenly look at everything from above, like a tall person. “Akh! I was bothered looking around from down there!” He will bring you above the crowd and hug you. You’ll move up and look at the whole universe from above.
This is the way. It is impossible for us to become powerful and have a broader outlook without connecting to the Lord of the universe. [One may say,] “God, give me something, then I’ll leave.” You’re not able to leave, not even now. If you’re cut off from God’s power and care, you’ll stop breathing. We are all connected to and provided for by the Lord of the Universe.
O God, I don’t feel secure. This world is completely in Your hands. None of the causes and effects will guarantee my interests. This is the way to get close to God.

Ali Reza Panahian
6 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

It is this easy. As easy as making an intention.

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Go find your own way.

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

From the Series “The Secrets of Ashura,”
Part 5. [To be continued…]

Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

How are you?

When people asked the Holy Prophet (s), “How are you?” he would say, “Thanks to God in all situations.”
The mood, which God has mentioned the most about human beings in the Qur’an, is being ungrateful. God’s biggest complaint about human beings is about them being ungrateful. The beginning of a person’s misery starts when he feels bad. God is severely sensitive about people’s moods.
Why are you feeling bad? If a person is not feeling good, it is as if he is saying he is an unbeliever. There is a God but he is trying to say that there isn’t any God. If you don’t want to say that, so why are you feeling bad? When a person sins, it’s because of his bad mood. He sins to feel better. Why did you feel bad in the first place?
God determines, changes, and ordains people’s destinies according to their moods very much. When a person feels good, God will prepare a good situation for him. When he feels bad, God will ruin his situation. Whoever senses that he is feeling bad and is not full of energy and vitality should say, “I have become ungrateful.”
The interesting point is that when Satan causes someone to sin, he ruins his mood afterwards. He doesn’t improve anyone’s mood with sinning. Satan incites him to sin, and then he says, “Ah! You won’t become a good person! What were you thinking? You thought God would forgive you that easily?! You ruined everything!” Then, the person feels bad.
However, God says, “Repent right now. If you repent right now, I’ll forgive you. But, don’t feel bad!” Satan wants us to feel bad, not to make our deeds bad. Satan even says, “Do good deeds. That’s not important. But, feel bad.”
The Prophet Ibrahim (‘a), who was called the “Friend of God,” was put on a catapult aimed towards a fire. The trustworthy Gabriel came and asked, “How are you? Do you want me to help you?” I’m saying it in my own words! He asked, “Do you want me to help you?” Ibrahim said, “I’m good. I don’t need your help.” Believe me, if he had felt bad, he would have been burned by that fire. Why didn’t all that fire burn him? Because he felt good. If he had felt bad, he would have been burned.
People asked a mystic, “What did you do that wisdom came to your tongue? What did you do?” The mystic replied, “I went to Mecca. I loved my oldest son very much. When I returned, I was told that my son had passed away. I was starting to feel bad. Suddenly, I controlled myself. I said, ‘God, since you wanted this, I’m satisfied with it.’ I didn’t feel bad. From the next day, wisdom flowed from my heart to my tongue.” This was the reward for him not feeling bad.
When people asked the Prophet (s), “How are you?” he would say, “Thanks to God in all situations.” We are thankful to God in any situation. I pray that God will make us thankful in all situations, and make us feel good.
[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “A human being’s moods, as stated in the Qur’an”]


Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Fears, which enslave people

The tool, which many managers use to control human societies throughout history, is “fear.” From mental fears to real fears such as poverty, death, being harmed, getting arrested, etc. We should destroy this culture of living based on fear in society. In our contemporary world, one of the ugliest kinds of fears has become a tool for dictating over others. This is the fear of being humiliated, ridiculed and such kinds of fears.
This is worse than the fears, which dictators cause. Dictators attack people’s lives with a sword, nothing more than this. However, the fear they use today to make people slaves has changed. Their main tool for managing the world is controlling public opinion. In controlling public opinion, one of the main methods used is scaring people. The controllers of public opinion in the world have another cultural element too, which is their tool for dictating over people. That cultural element is not fear for life, property, war or poverty. Rather, it is the fear of being humiliated and ridiculed. This is a cultural element.
Now, let’s put several words next to each other. Which tool is used the most for dictating over people at the End of Time? It’s controlling public opinion. It’s not force. What is it? It’s deception. What does the verse in the Qur’an say about the people at the End of Time? What is one of the outstanding features of the people at the End of Time in the Qur’an’s opinion? They don’t fear being blamed. God, among all of people’s characteristics, why do You talk about this one? “You don’t understand. But, the people at the End of Time understand this.” The people at the End of Time shouldn’t be afraid of being blamed. Whoever fears being blamed, has become enslaved by the domineering system. Clear?
What has the domineering system spent the most on during the past 100 years? A phenomenon called “becoming westernized.” What is being westernized? If you are not like this or that, you’re of a low class. You’ll be humiliated. They say, “Western people…!” or “He has gone abroad!” They humiliate.
A tradition says, “Do you like to be one of the special friends of the Household of the Prophet? If the people of a person’s city tell him, ‘You are a bad person,’ and his heart shakes, he is not one of our friends.” Why did you feel humiliated? You’re not one of the friends of the Household of the Prophet (‘a) anymore. What should we do to not be afraid of others humiliating or blaming us?
What should we do? We shouldn’t feel encouraged when anyone praises us. If we don’t care about other people’s praise, we will naturally not care about other people humiliating us. If others or I praise you and you become happy, you will be the one to lose your temper when people mock you. This becomes the tool for enslaving you.
Now, see the religious training. In religion, it is forbidden to praise someone in front of him/her. A tradition says, “If you praise someone, it is as if you have stabbed a dagger into his stomach and killed him.” Don’t do this. Say, “I love you,” but don’t praise him. Why? If you praise him and he’s encouraged, when you don’t encourage him, he’ll be humiliated! Then, he’ll become a slave. What is one of the fears a person shouldn’t have? The fear of being humiliated. People, rise up against the fear of being humiliated in cyberspace!

Their main tool for controlling the world is to control public opinion. In controlling public opinion, one of their main methods is to scare people. They have another cultural element too. That cultural element is not fear for life, property, war or poverty. Rather, it is the fear of being humiliated. What has the domineering system spent the most on during the past 100 years? A phenomenon called “becoming westernized.” What is being westernized? If you are not like this or that, you’re of a low class. You’ll be humiliated. The people at the End of Time shouldn’t be afraid of being blamed. Whoever fears being blamed, has become enslaved by the domineering system.

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Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

Fears, which enslave people

The tool, which many managers use to control human societies throughout history, is “fear.” From mental fears to real fears such as poverty, death, being harmed, getting arrested, etc. We should destroy this culture of living based on fear in society. In our contemporary world, one of the ugliest kinds of fears has become a tool for dictating over others. This is the fear of being humiliated, ridiculed and such kinds of fears.
This is worse than the fears, which dictators cause. Dictators attack people’s lives with a sword, nothing more than this. However, the fear they use today to make people slaves has changed. Their main tool for managing the world is controlling public opinion. In controlling public opinion, one of the main methods used is scaring people. The controllers of public opinion in the world have another cultural element too, which is their tool for dictating over people. That cultural element is not fear for life, property, war or poverty. Rather, it is the fear of being humiliated and ridiculed. This is a cultural element.
Now, let’s put several words next to each other. Which tool is used the most for dictating over people at the End of Time? It’s controlling public opinion. It’s not force. What is it? It’s deception. What does the verse in the Qur’an say about the people at the End of Time? What is one of the outstanding features of the people at the End of Time in the Qur’an’s opinion? They don’t fear being blamed. God, among all of people’s characteristics, why do You talk about this one? “You don’t understand. But, the people at the End of Time understand this.” The people at the End of Time shouldn’t be afraid of being blamed. Whoever fears being blamed, has become enslaved by the domineering system. Clear?
What has the domineering system spent the most on during the past 100 years? A phenomenon called “becoming westernized.” What is being westernized? If you are not like this or that, you’re of a low class. You’ll be humiliated. They say, “Western people…!” or “He has gone abroad!” They humiliate.
A tradition says, “Do you like to be one of the special friends of the Household of the Prophet? If the people of a person’s city tell him, ‘You are a bad person,’ and his heart shakes, he is not one of our friends.” Why did you feel humiliated? You’re not one of the friends of the Household of the Prophet (‘a) anymore. What should we do to not be afraid of others humiliating or blaming us?
What should we do? We shouldn’t feel encouraged when anyone praises us. If we don’t care about other people’s praise, we will naturally not care about other people humiliating us. If others or I praise you and you become happy, you will be the one to lose your temper when people mock you. This becomes the tool for enslaving you.
Now, see the religious training. In religion, it is forbidden to praise someone in front of him/her. A tradition says, “If you praise someone, it is as if you have stabbed a dagger into his stomach and killed him.” Don’t do this. Say, “I love you,” but don’t praise him. Why? If you praise him and he’s encouraged, when you don’t encourage him, he’ll be humiliated! Then, he’ll become a slave. What is one of the fears a person shouldn’t have? The fear of being humiliated. People, rise up against the fear of being humiliated in cyberspace!

Their main tool for controlling the world is to control public opinion. In controlling public opinion, one of their main methods is to scare people. They have another cultural element too. That cultural element is not fear for life, property, war or poverty. Rather, it is the fear of being humiliated. What has the domineering system spent the most on during the past 100 years? A phenomenon called “becoming westernized.” What is being westernized? If you are not like this or that, you’re of a low class. You’ll be humiliated. The people at the End of Time shouldn’t be afraid of being blamed. Whoever fears being blamed, has become enslaved by the domineering system.

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Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

The World Will Change for You

It is rare to find a tradition like the one that I will read for you now. Hazrat Zahra (s) said, “Whoever sends his pure worship acts towards God, God will determine the best expedient for him.”

She (Hazrat Fatimah (s)) is a mother. A mother is compassionate. She has said the most important thing for each of our entire lives. Go and search. If you can find stronger words than these for building lives, bring them. Find them from the words of the Household of the Prophet (a) themselves. When people say mother, this is what they mean.
What did she say God would do for the person who sends pure worship towards Him? He will determine the best expedient for him.
A person has an accident; and, he says this is what was expedient for me. He marries and says this is what was expedient for me. He becomes rich and says this is what was expedient for me. Now my question is that were these the best of what could have happened for him? This is a very important question. (People say,) “This was destined for us. We did our best, but this was the result.” No matter if the result was good or bad, (the question is that) did the best of what could have happened for you come about?
I swear to God that we don’t know the friends of God. God is a witness that the world is at the disposal of His friends. I swear to God that there are many things that we can’t say about the lives of Imam Khomeini (r.h) and the leader (Ayatollah Khamenei).
It has been said “Don’t compare the pure people’s deeds with your own deeds, although the deeds may look similar.” Their lives are calculated based on something else. Did you see what Hazrat Khizr did? Hazrat Musa wasn’t able to be patient. Hazrat Khizr said, “I am working based upon what is the best, very complicated expedient. I receive some insight, and I have to act upon it. You won’t be able to be patient.”
“Was what came about in your interest?” “Yes.” “Was this marriage in your interest?” “Yes.” “Was it the best thing in your interest?” “I don’t know!” “What had you done for the best thing in your interest to be determined for you?”
The condition for the best thing in someone’s interest is pure worship. Change yourself, and the world will change for you. Since the Household of the Prophet (a) paid attention to themselves, they were able to change the world. Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (s) paid attention to herself. Every moment she was in pursuit of changing and perfecting herself.

Change yourself, and the world will change for you.

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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

As only he can do, Agha Panahian makes us hopeless and then hopeful in the space of six minutes. Back by popular de

Ali Reza Panahian
6 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

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Gentlemen, do you know that God is idle?! Isn't it a pity? He is powerful, and He loves us. But He is idly waiting! He has everything. He says, “Ask Me, and I'll help you. Don't get help, fine! But you won’t be able to go on.”
When is God idle? When He doesn't help His servant. Aservant says, "I don't want Your help.” So he goes into the gears moving the universe!
Boom! Bang! He’s like someone who has fallen into a meat grinder. And the One Who created the meat grinder is sitting idly. He says, "You’re going into the meat grinder yourself. You’ll be crushed. Ground meat! What else should I do?”
God is idle. He doesn't have anything to do! Isn't this a pity that we leave God waiting idly?! What facilities He has! He has everything. He says, “Ask Me, and I'll help you. Don't get help, fine! But you won’t be able to go on.” Say, "Help me to become free.” God immediately becomes active and says, “Ok, come. I have created you to help you!” You know the biggest divine punishment that is mentioned in the Qur’an is, for example, "I don’t help the unbelievers.”
"The unbelievers shall have no guardian.” [Qur’an 47:11] God says, “The believers have a guardian. I help them. Shall I help you or not?” They answer, “No, do Your Own work.” He tells God, “Do Your Own work!” Ask God for help. You don’t have to try to become free by yourself. Tell Him to free you from the shackles of the world.
God will start to free you. He will cut these bonds. He will free you from desires first. You just need to help yourself a little too! The philosophy of being a servant is to become free.

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

The exact meaning + An explanation in answer to mistaken impressions
This clip is about the tradition, which can be found in these books: Irshad al-Qolub ila al-Sawab, Dailami, vol. 1. P. 121; and, Mishkat al-Anwar fi Ghorar al-Akhbar, p. 320.

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