
Feel good by remembering God | Ali Reza Panahian

4 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

God loves me; otherwise, He would not have created me.

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If we don’t feel good, God will get upset. In the same way that it is forbidden for a person to harm himself, if a person feels bad, God will get upset. If a person is trying to be spiritual and has the intention to get close to God, he should be very careful about this. We shouldn’t just look for big sins to repent for. No, when we feel bad we should know this is as if we owe God.
It’s as if we have gotten a negative grade before God. If we try to see what we can do to feel better, we’ll see that one cannot feel good other than with God Himself. “O the One Whose name is medicine [for our pains] and remembering Him is a healing.” [Iqbal al-A’mal, vol. 2, p. 706] What should we do with His name to be healed? We should remember Him.
If you want to use His name, you should repeat it. Remember Him. This means His name should flow through your heart, tongue and mind. It’s ok if you repeat His names with your tongue. But your mind and heart are very important too. It’s fine if you aren’t able to bring this into your heart. At least bring it into your mind. Remembering God should at least take place in our mind. In this way, a person will feel better. We won’t feel good any other way. “The remembrance of God certainly brings comfort to all hearts.” [Qur’an 13:28] Your heart is at rest only by remembering God.
Which of His names? Ayatollah Bahjat said to use any of God’s names that you like. Now I ask you which of God names? Each of you may say a different name. Now I will suggest one to you. Mr. Dulabi [a famous mystic] used to say that repeating with the tongue is important. Repeat this very much and indoctrinate it in yourself. Say, “God loves me; otherwise, He wouldn’t have created me. God loves me.” No other remembering can make one feel good and calm the way this does. The cursed Satan tries to prevent this every moment in different ways. He is a psychologist! He tries to block us from this way of remembering God every moment in different ways.
“O the One Whose name is medicine [for our pains] and remembering Him is a healing.” [Iqbal al-A’mal, vol. 2, p. 706] Remember Him. This means His name should flow through your heart, tongue and mind. In this way, a person will feel better.

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