
From where should we start to reach our goal?

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Religiosity starts from this point.

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We want to reach the goal that God has created us for. What should we do? From where should we start?
One starting point is choosing your goal well. Moving forward, having the insight to have a program to move forward and having enthusiasm to reach the destination, are very dependent on our seeing the goal. Whenever you see your heart feels cold, whenever you see you don’t have that needed speed and eagerness, whenever you see you can’t find the way and don’t know what you should do, know that your connection with your goal has become weak.
For each deed you should have the intention of getting close to God. When you say, “To get close to God,” you’re saying your goal. Mention your goal, then take action. Mention your goal, then take action. Doing good deeds and worshiping without mentioning the goal is useless. Interestingly you must keep repeating this. If you prayed but didn’t have the intention of getting close to God, you have to pray again. It was useless.
Having a goal is this important! This doesn’t mean just saying you believe and then thinking that now you’re a believer. You should keep remembering this goal and being concerned with it for each act. You should take action because of it. You want to chat with your friend or you want to rest. You want to get up at dawn. You want to go to work tomorrow. You should say it. You should repeat it in your heart. “I’m doing these for that goal.” You should repeat this.
How many actions do you do every day? Can you count the actions you do in your day? “I go to work.” Before going to work, you do one hundred other things too. One is that you get dressed. Let’s talk about getting dressed. We don’t count it as an activity. What is your intention for wearing these clothes? “I’m just wearing clothes. I can’t go without clothes! I have to wear clothes.” “Why are you wearing these clothes?” “I’ve bought them to wear them!” A tradition says that if you wear clothes to attract people’s attention, God won’t look at you as long as you’re wearing those clothes. “But this was the most normal act. This was my everyday coat!” What was your intention today for wearing this normal, everyday coat?”
This is how religion trains us. Religiosity starts from this point. “A person wears clothes to attract people’s attention. Do I have to look ugly? Should I wear a sack?!” No, but why do you want to attract people’s attention? Because of God or because of yourself? “Just forget it! You look at my intentions in too much detail!” It’s fine if you look proper to others. It’s good that you bought good clothes. Whether your clothes are normal, average or good, say, “God, I want to look good because of You.”
[One says,] “But I don’t remember to do this!” If you don’t pay attention to this, you won’t move toward your goal! You’ll also lose the opportunities you have. Then you will wonder why you don’t move forward. It’s because you’re not in a hurry and don’t feel a pressing need. Because of God! After putting on your clothes, won’t you say goodbye before you go out? Why do you want to say goodbye? “But we always say goodbye! Can I just make the intention that from now on whenever I say goodbye it’s for the sake of God?”
Why do you want to take a step toward your goal just once? You don’t want to put effort to move toward your goal again? You’ve become tired of your goal!? Is this repetition bothering you? One time forever? Maybe you want a computer to do it for you?! So you don’t want to become close to God at all. Go live your life.
A person who has a strong connection with his goal will remember it each time. Now that God has made it so simple and you can move toward God with your simple deeds, why don’t you do it? You’re announcing to others, “People, I know God. This God is boring for you to want to remember Him all the time. So don’t come toward Him. My life is boring too. Don’t make your life boring.” Is this what you want to announce? You haven’t gone toward God yourself and now you want to prevent others as well?
One should pay attention to his goal very much. And one should have a constant connection with his goal. Whenever you see your heart feels cold, whenever you see you don’t have that needed speed and eagerness, whenever you see you can’t find the way and don’t know what you should do, know that your connection with your goal has weakened. A person who has a strong connection with his goal will remember it each time.
For all your deeds, you should have the intention of getting close to God. “Getting close to God” means saying our goal. Doing good deeds and worshiping without mentioning the goal is useless. Religiosity starts from this point.

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