
The Most Important Feature of a Goal in Life

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

We haven’t been able to help people to understand this attractive, affectionate, deep, rational concept of getting close to God.
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The most important feature of a goal is that it should create a fire from within a person. It should give warmth, strengthen, entertain and give direction to a person’s imaginations. This is how a person’s goal should be, otherwise one’s life is useless. [As a poem says,] “Pray over his body although he’s not dead.” A life in which one’s goal doesn’t give warmth and doesn’t answer one’s need for love is a very low level of life.
In our life, everything really depends on the goal we choose. Imagine if you let people be free but don’t talk about religion, God’s commands or beliefs. Just tell people, “Live with a goal that warms you, creates a fire and answers your need for love. See where you can find this goal yourself.” They can’t find such a goal even if false propaganda is used.
Have you seen that people talk about love and affection? It’s interesting that everyone talks about love, but no one reaches to it. Everyone likes and admires a life filled with love. Instead of using the term “a life with love,” God has designed this in religion in this way that He says, “Set your goal to be getting close to Me.” Getting close to God will light a fire (of love) in one’s heart. Maybe when people talk about a life with love, this is what they mean.
And we have worked so poorly and weakly in this regard! The effects of our deeds have sometimes been so repulsive that we haven’t been able to help people to understand this attractive, affectionate, deep, and so rational concept of getting close to God. People do not know religion to be getting close to God. But no deed without having the intention of getting close to God is accepted. Unfortunately, if you introduce religion without the concept of getting close to God, religion will seem awful to people. Those people [who’ve learned this kind of religion] are right to hate it. Perhaps religion without the passionate, attractive meaning of closeness to God has been taught to them.
Imagine if one is able to understand such a goal, he sets it as his goal and he is able to gradually strengthen this goal. Imagine what effects this will have on one’s heart. The explosive part of religion that awakens one’s heart and causes him to move can be found in the concepts of getting close to God and how to get close to Him. God shows us this majestic universe and says, “I have created these. These are my creation. Now look at Me Myself.” It’s incomparable. Then God says, “Set your goal to be getting close to Me.”

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