
The Secret to Tasting the Sweetness of God’s Kindness | Alireza Panahian

4 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

The Secret to Tasting the Sweetness of God’s Kindness

How can we believe in God’s Kindness? We should want and taste it for our relationship with God to start. Do you know what we should do to be able to connect with God’s Kindness, be able to taste it and enjoy it? We should see God's Greatness. We should see God’s Might. We should understand the Grandeur of God. We shouldn’t see God as being small.
If He becomes small in our eyes, even if He is kind to us, it will be useless! Since parents take care of their children, the children are drowned in their love. Children really think of their parents as superpowers. Then, they enjoy the kindness of this father and mother, who solve all problems! Ayatollah Bahjat said, “Since children have trust, they are never worried about tomorrow’s food.”
If you can, ask them the question, “Why aren’t you worried about tomorrow’s food?” They will say, “Mom will give food. Dad will give food.” “Where will dad bring food from?!” “What are you saying? ‘He has power over all things!’ (Qur'an 22:6) “But, your dad is not like that!” “No! Dad!” Therefore, he easily goes to his mom and says, “I’m hungry.” If his mom says, “I don’t have anything,” the child won’t understand what she means. He says again, “Mom, I’m hungry. You are my superpower.”
Why don’t we see or taste God’s Kindness? Because, our God (that we see) is not great.
How can we distinguish God’s Greatness? Shall we look at the Damavand Mountain to see the greatness of His Glory? “O God, how much Glory You have, that You have created these high peaks.” Let’s look at the stars in the sky. They're so magnificent in a place without dust in the air and with a clear sky. Not from these polluted cities. From a place where you feel the stars are coming down on you.
“Those who… contemplate upon the creation of the heavens and the earth.” (Qur’an 3:91) See God’s Greatness in nature. A God Who doesn’t have grandeur, His kindness will be tasteless too.
Sometimes when women want to talk privately together, they say that if a husband doesn’t have stateliness, his kindness is useless too, but not the kind that he gains with oppression and force! If a father doesn’t have dignity at home, his kindness will be useless for his daughter and son. The children will have a lack of affection. “Your dad is very kind.” “But, our dad is a loser.” No matter how kind he is to his children, his kindness is unseen by them.
When you look at the verses of the Qur’an, you’ll see that most of them aren’t stated lovingly, my friends. Mostly the verses of the Qur’an want to make you understand that God is Mighty. “Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of God.” (Qur’an 59:21)
God could have talked more poetically here. He could have talked kinder and used terms, which seemed more loving. For example, He could say, “Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, tulips would have blossomed and clear springs of water would have flown.” But, He is not being silly. He has spoken seriously and firmly. “Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of God.” (Qur’an 59:21)
Why is God doing this? Because, you yourself should be sensible. Read the Qur’an for it to rend asunder the mountain of your heart and make springs flow. Is it possible for a mountain to be rent asunder but for a spring not to flow? When this rock is rent asunder, it will become a sea or a spring. One should understand His Kindness in this.
For your heart to become alive and refreshed by this kindness, let your God Who is great be your Lord. Let Him order you. He says, “This is forbidden! I’ll take you to Hell. I have a painful punishment.” He has such grandeur. The more He is arrogant, the more you feel His Kindness.
Believe me. Start seeing it. This is a relationship. It is the start of a sweet relationship, which…
[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “How should we believe in God’s Kindness?” Session No. 6]

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