
We must seek the truth

1 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Seeking the truth: The central point for training a human being
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Imam Baqir (as) and Imam Sadiq (as) said that when Prophet Ibrahim (as) saw a star, he said, “This is my Lord. This is so bright and beautiful. This is my God.” In another verse of the Qur’an, it is said, “But when it disappeared, he said, ‘I do not love those who fade away.’” [Qur’an 6:76]
Let’s see what Imam Sadiq (as) said. He said, “Whoever seeks to reach his Lord will not become an unbeliever.” This means that a person who seeks the truth does not become an unbeliever. “If someone thinks like this, he will be like Prophet Ibrahim.” “That who is my Lord?” Think about who your Lord is. The phenomena in the world will show you.
What should we do to distance ourselves from unbelief? We must be truth seekers. Before we can reach the truth, we must be truth seekers and love the truth. I want to give good news to you. This search for truth shows itself in a person from infancy. What does a baby do? Just feed him and satisfy his basic needs. Then he will start going here and there. He/she touches everything and wants to see what it is.
His curiosity starts. Do not disrupt this in a child for seven years and let his curiosity continue. You can help him by giving direction to his curiosity. Go along with him/her. Don’t suppress his/her enthusiasm. During the time that children are at home and parents want to train them, which adjective should we emphasize more? We should show kindness to our children. Yes, that’s correct.
We should show kindness so that the child will feel secure. But we shouldn’t show kindness just to show kindness. After showing kindness to your child, what’s next? You show kindness for him/her to be curios in a peaceful environment. This curiosity will help him to get accepted in the university and to become a scholar. This curiosity will help him to be wise in life. This one factor, it is a central point in life.
From the age of 7 to 14, why should a child be trained by ordering him/her [according to the traditions]? This period is the period for children to be curious with certain limitations. Before that, they should be left free in their curiosity. But if they continue to be like this (after 7), their thinking will go astray, right? If they continue to be left free in their curiosity with games and entertainments, they will pursue a kind of curiosity that creates a false excitement in them. Then they won’t be able to become a great thinker.
If someone wishes to become a great thinker, he must gradually direct his curiosity. They put scientific subjects in front of him and tell him to start. After the age of fourteen, he should continue being curious in other certain, scientific subjects, but I won’t talk about that now. Psychologists say around the age of fourteen, a person’s curiosity leads him/her to a question. Interesting! Psychologists say this. These are not the words of religion.
Around the age of fourteen, this curiosity leads a person to a philosophical, mystical question. That question is, “Why was I created?” This is a general question that one asks after reaching the age of intellectual maturity. Each student should reach this point where he/she asks deeply, “Why was I created? Why did God create me?” We should cheer and clap, admire him/her, and say, "Well done!” Then we should help him to find the answer himself.
And this is one of the topics that God, the Almighty, raises many times in the Holy Qur’an. Let me give you an example. “Have they not thought that God has not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them but for a genuine purpose and to exist for an appointed term?” [Qur’an 30:8] Didn't they think within themselves that perhaps God didn’t create this world in vain?!
This is the question of a fourteen-year-old. Almighty God has repeated this many times. What should we do to distance ourselves from unbelief? We must seek the truth. This seeking the truth starts showing itself from childhood and infancy. We must hold onto our tendency to seek the truth.

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