
The Effect of a Mother’s Intention on Her Child’s Destiny | Alireza Panahian

12 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

The Effect of a Mother’s Intention on Her Child’s Destiny

Along with a good deed, making an intention is in some ways more necessary and more important. We are not able to do many deeds. If we make the intention for these deeds in our mind and heart and review those good intentions, we will gain many blessings for deeds, which we may not be able to do at all.
Sometimes, a person does a precise action for a moment based on an intention, and he changes his destiny. Sometimes, a mother makes an intention once in a gathering for a moment. A deep spiritual request comes into her heart, and her whole life is influenced by it.
Some families have had three or four martyrs who defended the holy shrine of Hazrat Zaynab. What pure hearts they had at that time! God doesn't accept a sacrifice from everyone. I don't know what a pure heart Hazrat Umm al-Banin had, or what intentions she made. God doesn’t give such a son to a person, just like that. The other martyrs of Karbala wished to be like him. What had Hazrat Umm al-Banin done with her intentions? What has she done?
Whatever you see about the greatness of the sacred being of Aba al-Fazl al-Abbas is due to the intention of his mother, Umm al-Banin. I mean, she served Imam Husayn (‘a) constantly and said, “I like to serve him in a way that...” But, still she wasn’t satisfied with herself. God said, “Ok mother, it is accepted.” I want to say, “Umm al-Banin, your Abbas was very useful for Husayn, more than others. He was so useful that when Husayn saw Abbas in that situation, he said, ‘Now, my back has broken.’ Now, I am defeated.”

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