
More Tender hearted than a Mother | Alireza Panahian

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

More Tender-hearted than a Mother

Mothers’ hearts break very fast. They are manifestations of God. They are even harder than God. No one is as tender-hearted as God. “There is nothing like Him” (Qur’an 42:11) He is so tender-hearted.
For example, you have done something 99% because of God and 1% because of your neighbour. God says, “I don’t want it. It’s useless. I won’t accept it.” “But God I put myself through so much trouble, and 99% it was for You! See my heart!” He replies, “No, it hasn’t been done purely for Me. I don’t want it.” “God! You have become like my mom!”
I bought this cake and thought that I’ll either take it for Mom or my friend. “My friend wasn’t around; I brought it for you.” Mom gets upset. She says, “See how he has bought me a cake!” “But Mom, I have bought it for you.” “No, you said yourself that you were thinking of your friend too. If it was for me, maybe you would have bought a different cake.” “Mom! Take it easy!” Moms are very tender-hearted.
Moms are like God. God is very tender-hearted too. If you feel even a little bad, God says, “My angels! Is he saying there is no God?” “We swear to You that he believes in You, God! Why are you so tender-hearted? He just prayed.” “No! See. He’s feeling bad. Don’t I exist? Don’t I support him?!”
It had been a few days that nothing was revealed. The Holy Prophet (s) was very dependent on God and His Grace. The Prophet (s) had become tender-hearted too! The Prophet of God (s) became sad thinking, “What has happened?” God became upset, “My Prophet! Are you sad?! Haven’t I held your hand up until now?! ‘Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?’ (Qur’an 93:6) Didn’t I take your hand when you were an orphan? Now you think that I have left you?! You didn’t have anyone or any guide. I guided you. ‘Did He not find you poor and suffice you?’ (Qur’an 93:8) You didn’t have anything and I took your hands.” I think the Prophet (s) suddenly said, “God, I am happy. I’m feeling very well. Don’t complain about me anymore. I won’t feel bad anymore!” Peace was established.
If God wants to talk to us, He has many things to say. I think God has lots of complaints about us. What does God tell you? The words and concepts that He tells you are more important than what He told His Prophet (s). God told the Prophet (s), “Didn’t I send revelation to you?” This is very good.
But, do you know what God tells us? He says something that is somehow even more valuable. What is that? God says, “Didn’t I give you Husayn (‘a)? Don’t you see him? Didn’t I give you safety by way of Husayn (‘a)? Didn’t I give you blessings by way of Husayn (‘a)? Didn’t I give you love by way of Husayn (‘a), so that you may experience love? Millions of poems are composed for him, but you don’t get tired. Will I leave you alone?! So, why are you feeling bad?” You should thank God very much because of His Husayn (‘a).
God is very tender-hearted! If you feel even a little bad, God says, “My angels! Is he saying there is no God?” “We swear to You that he believes in You, God! Why are you so tender-hearted? He just prayed.” “No! See. He’s feeling bad. Don’t I exist? Don’t I support him?!”

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