
What is the Coronavirus telling us | Ali Reza Panahian

4 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

What is the Coronavirus telling us?

One of the very valuable statements from Imam Baqir (‘a) is a letter he wrote to Sa’d. In the beginning of the letter, the Imam mentions a subject, which is needed by today’s society. “In the Name of God, the Companionate, the Merciful. I advise you to have ‘Taqwa’ (be careful of your duty to Allah). Because, this brings well-being from devastation and benefit when returning (to God).” [Osul Kafi, vol. 8, p. 52] Taqwa saves you from destruction. Your assets won’t be wasted. Your talents won’t be destroyed. It will become something valuable for your Hereafter.
The tradition continues, “Because of their Taqwa, Noah and the ones who were with him (the believers) in the ship were rescued.” Salih and his people were rescued from lightning with Taqwa. What does Taqwa mean? Vigilance. Be careful. That person is a careful person. What do doctors constantly say about this virus that has appeared? Take care. Wash your hands. Don’t kiss others. Be careful not to touch unclean environments. Right? This is taking care. Is it something bad?
Some people are not careful at all. When you remind them and they start being careful, they experience a new feeling. What is the difference between Taqwa and an ordinary being careful? An example of an ordinary being careful is when it’s dark and you touch things carefully and are careful not to bump into anything. This is for when you yourself are taking care of your world. This is like these regular sanitary measures and other ways of taking care. It’s like being careful when driving not to have an accident. This is a minimum amount of being careful. It’s very stylish and beautiful too.
Another kind is for people to be careful about carrying out God’s commands. Being careful in this case is a thousand times more. The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (‘a), said, “Whoever is careful about God’s commands, God will take care of him/her.” The effect of God taking care of us is much more than us taking care of ourselves. Sometimes a person takes care of his greatest benefit. He/she is careful about God’s opinion. This is Taqwa. You are careful like a child who is careful but is in his parent’s embrace. One hundred times more than the child, his father takes care of him not to fall or be injured. If one tries to hit this child, he will bring his hand forward as a shield to protect himself. But, more important than this is the father’s hand, which suddenly comes forward and protects the child.
We should take care for our interests to be protected. Taking care is the first condition to being successful in life. Taking care means paying attention. A pious person is the one who is careful. “Taking care” is something nice and it doesn’t get old. This is not like saying, “You like to be religious, but I don’t!” A doctor is careful. You like a careful and watchful person. God likes such a person too. This is a very chic life.
Then, the tradition continues, “With Taqwa, God protects His servant from whatever does not come to his mind.” Whatever his mind doesn’t understand, God will compensate for him. Imam Baqir (‘a) is mentioning in this tradition whatever doesn’t come to your mind and is hidden from you. How should I know which environment is infected by virus and which environment isn’t. Should I enter it, or not?
One of those who has fallen ill with Coronavirus is putting posts in his page. He said, “I became sick and went to the hospital.” He’s healing now. He said, “No matter how much I think about how I got this virus, nothing comes to my mind.” A person doesn’t understand! But, what if God takes care of a person? What is this virus telling us? It is saying, “Be more careful.” All of life is this. If the most important thing that you want to take care of is God’s satisfaction, God will open the way for you so that you may pass through problems when everyone is stuck in a dead end.
Whoever sees his problems in life have increased should be more careful. He should pray more on time and with more attention. When you are careful about God’s opinion, that He is not ignored, He is not disrespected, and are careful about His command, all of your worldly benefits will be provided better. This is what Imam Baqir (‘a) was saying. We need to be careful in misfortunes. If you want to be saved from this illness or any other fatal problem, you need Taqwa, Taqwa of the tongue, ears, and eyes. Increase this Taqwa and you will clearly see its effects.

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