
What is backbiting?

8 المشاهدات· 23/12/08
في آخر

Question: What is the proper definition of 'backbiting'? Please, give some references from the Quran and Hadith also.

Answer: Backbiting means “speaking ill of a believer in the absence of someone with the purpose of disparaging him, no matter whether the alleged shortcoming was related to his body, lineage, behavior, deeds, statements, religion, or life, and other defects which are [usually] concealed from the people. Similarly, it does not matter whether the description was done by words or by the gesture.”
Almighty Allãh condemned backbiting in His noble Book and has described it such that mind and body feel abhorrence towards it. He said, “And some of you should not backbite the others: would anyone of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, you abhor it.” (49:12)
The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “Be careful of backbiting because backbiting is worse than adultery, in that a person who commits adultery can repent and ask forgiveness from God, and Allãh can forgive him whereas Allãh will not forgive the backbiter until the person who was at the receiving end forgives him.”

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