أحدث مقاطع الفيديو

4 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Have you ever wondered why modesty is such an essential concept for women?
Salam and welcome to Islam4U. In this thought-provoking YouTube video, we delve into the significance of modesty and explore the reasons why it holds a special place in Islam. Join us on this enlightening journey as we discuss the multifaceted aspects of modesty, its empowering qualities, and its role in shaping a woman's life in accordance with Islamic principles.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal

5 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

10 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

فَلَمَّآ أَلْقَوْا۟ قَالَ مُوسَىٰ مَا جِئْتُم بِهِ ٱلسِّحْرُ ۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَيُبْطِلُهُۥٓ ۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُصْلِحُ عَمَلَ ٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ ٨١
وَيُحِقُّ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْحَقَّ بِكَلِمَـٰتِهِۦ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ ٱلْمُجْرِمُونَ

ءَأَنتُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمِ ٱلسَّمَآءُ ۚ بَنَىٰهَا ٢٧ رَفَعَ سَمْكَهَا فَسَوَّىٰهَا ٢٨ وَأَغْطَشَ لَيْلَهَا وَأَخْرَجَ ضُحَىٰهَا ٢٩ وَٱلْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ دَحَىٰهَآ ٣٠ أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَآءَهَا وَمَرْعَىٰهَا ٣١ وَٱلْجِبَالَ أَرْسَىٰهَا ٣٢

فَوَقَعَ ٱلْحَقُّ وَبَطَلَ مَا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ ١١٨ فَغُلِبُوا۟ هُنَالِكَ وَٱنقَلَبُوا۟ صَـٰغِرِينَ ١١٩ وَأُلْقِىَ ٱلسَّحَرَةُ سَـٰجِدِينَ ١٢٠ قَالُوٓا۟ ءَامَنَّا بِرَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ ١٢١ رَبِّ مُوسَىٰ وَهَـٰرُونَ ١٢٢

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

4 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

"Al-Nisa" (النساء) is the fourth chapter (Surah) of the Qur'an and its title translates to "The Women" in English. This Surah is Madinan, meaning it was revealed in the city of Medina after the Prophet Muhammad's migration there. It is composed of 176 verses (Ayahs).

Key Themes:

- Legal and Moral Guidance: The Surah includes various guidelines regarding family life, marriage, and divorce. It introduced laws about inheritance for women, which was revolutionary at the time.

- Justice and Equality: "Al-Nisa" emphasizes justice and moral obligations, especially in the treatment of women, orphans, and others who may be vulnerable in society. There is a strong focus on providing protection and ensuring fair treatment for women, including in areas of inheritance and family matters.

- Battlefield Ethics: It also discusses aspects related to war and peace. It provides guidelines on how to engage ethically on a battlefield, emphasizing the importance of protecting non-combatants and seeking peace when possible.

- Faith and Obedience: Throughout the Surah, believers are called upon to obey Allah and the Messenger, maintain justice, and uphold moral and ethical standards.

This Surah is often cited for its detailed discussions related to women and family law, providing directives that seek to establish justice, fairness, and ethics in familial and social relations. The guidelines and stories within it are utilized in Islamic jurisprudence and continue to be a focal point in discussions about Islamic family law and ethics in war.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

4 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Title: Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread)

Chapter: 5 of the Qur'an

Verses: 120

Revelation: This chapter was revealed in Madinah, making it a Madani Surah. It’s amongst the last chapters revealed and deals with legal rulings and regulations.

Subject Matter: Al-Ma'idah focuses on various aspects of law, including dietary laws, punishment for theft, and legal retributions or punishments, emphasizing justice and moral conduct. It also discusses the responsibility of carrying out trusts and oaths with integrity and faithfulness.

Historical Context: The chapter addresses the social contract between members of a society and the broader responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah. It includes discussions related to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and their religious practices, clarifying and correcting misconceptions, and establishing respect and understanding among the different communities.

Key Messages: Al-Ma'idah promotes justice, integrity, and ethical conduct in personal and communal affairs, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling contracts, oaths, and trusts. It also encourages respectful dialogue and engagement with the People of the Book while upholding Islamic principles and values.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

6 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Enhance Your Sustenance (Rizq) by Reciting or Listening to These Chapters of the Quran:

Surah Maryam
Surah Yasin
Surah As-Saffat
Surah Qaf
Surah Al-Qiyamah
Surah Ash-Shams
Surah Al-Lail
Surah Al-Qadr
Surah Al-Qariah
Surah Al-Humazah

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

7 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Chapter 3: Aali 'Imran (The Family of Imran)

Main Themes:
- Faith & Obedience: Encouragements towards belief and obedience to God.
- Historical Narratives: Stories of past prophets and their communities.
- The Hereafter: Discussion about resurrection and the day of judgment.
- Legal & Moral Guidance: Instructions related to legal and moral conduct.
- Battle of Uhud: Details and reflections on the battle.

Key Sections & Concepts:
Unity of Divine Message: Consistency in the message delivered by various prophets.
Story of the Family of Imran: Birth of Maryam (Mary) and 'Isa (Jesus), highlighting the miraculous aspects.

Various Prophets:
-Prophets’ stories to illustrate moral and spiritual principles.
- Community & Individual Responsibilities:
- The role of the Muslim Ummah (community) in upholding justice and faith.

Legal Precepts:
-Guidance on matters related to law, family, and society.

Spiritual & Moral Virtues: Emphasizing humility, charity, patience, and steadfastness.
Life After Death: Discussion about resurrection, judgment, and eternal life.
Reflections on The Battle of Uhud: Lessons, guidance, and reflections on the events and outcomes.

Notable Verses:
Verse 3:7: Discusses the clarity and ambiguity in some verses and the pursuit of their meanings.
Verse 3:19: Affirms that the true religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.
Verse 3:26-27: A supplication acknowledging God's dominion over all matters.
Verse 3:103: Encourages holding fast to the unity of faith.
Verse 3:185: Reflects on the certainty of death and the eternal nature of the hereafter.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

10 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Chapter 2 of the Quran, also known as Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow), is the longest surah (chapter) of the Quran. Here is a basic infographic in text form:

Surah Al-Baqarah Infographic
Name: Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

Place of Revelation: Madinah (Hence, it is a Madani Surah)

Order of Revelation: It is the 87th Surah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Verses (Ayahs): 286


Faith & Obedience: Emphasizing the importance of faith and obedience to God.
Guidance: It is a guide for those who are conscious of God.
Legislation: Provides a comprehensive code of ethics and moral guidelines, as well as legal prescriptions for aspects like family, economy, and ethics.
Stories of Previous Prophets: Narratives about Adam, Moses, and other prophets to provide moral and spiritual insights.
Special Features:

Ayat al-Kursi (The Throne Verse): Verse 255 of this surah is one of the most famous verses in the Quran, often memorized and used in prayers for protection and blessing.
Al-Baqarah 282: The longest verse in the Quran, known as Ayat al-Dayn (The Debt Verse), providing guidelines about writing down debts.
The Last Two Verses: Believed to be among the greatest verses of the Quran and are often recited for protection and blessings.
Key Messages:

Social Justice: Instructions about justice, charity, and the care of orphans.
Spiritual and Moral Upbringing: Guidance about maintaining social equilibrium and moral standards.
Legal Ordinances: Various laws about matters such as fasting, Hajj, fighting, wine, and gambling.

It was revealed over a period of almost 10 years, addressing both the Muslim community in Madinah and the mankind and Jinn at large.
Outlines general doctrines (such as the sovereignty of God, life after death, and resurrection) and also provides directives for moral, social, and legal life.
Summary of Contents:
Verses 1-5: Characteristics of the righteous.
Verses 6-20: Characteristics of the disbelievers.
Verses 21-39: Guidance and directives for humanity.
Verses 40-123: Bani Israel (Children of Israel) and their violation of the covenant.
Verses 124-163: The status of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the Kaaba.
Verses 164-242: Various directives and parables.
Verses 243-286: More directives, narratives, and the closing of the Surah.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal

7 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

3 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

5 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Recitation of the entire of Juz one of the holy Quran.

The first Juz of the Quran, also known as Juz' Alif-Laam-Meem, it contains the opening verses of the Quran, which serve as a beautiful invitation to all of humanity to seek guidance and to worship their Creator.

As one delves into the first Juz of the Quran, they will find themselves immersed in a world of profound wisdom, breathtaking imagery, and timeless guidance. The words of the Quran are imbued with a powerful sense of purpose, inspiring readers to strive for excellence, to seek truth, and to live a life of meaning and purpose.

In this first Juz, readers are introduced to many fundamental themes of the Quran, including the oneness of God, the importance of faith, the need for righteous deeds, and the concept of accountability in the hereafter. As one reads through these powerful verses, they cannot help but be moved by the beauty and majesty of the Quran, and the profound impact it has on the lives of millions of people around the world.

Ultimately, the first Juz of the Quran is a beautiful reminder of the power and beauty of the divine word, and an invitation to all of humanity to seek guidance, find purpose, and live a life of meaning and fulfillment.

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

8 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

11 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

17 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

One of the important and fundamental principles of belief in Islam is the belief in the Hereafter and Day of Judgment. Surah Mursalat (سورة المرسلات) or ‘Urf [عرف] (a good act) as it is also known is one of the many chapters and verses of the Holy Quran which addresses this important issue and discusses many aspects of that day.


17 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Deriving halal sexual pleasure is not so difficult in Islam. Islam is a very flexible religion that has solutions to the greatest problems of people. One of them is entering into sexual relationships with the opposite gender. In this video, we will show you how to derive halal sexual pleasure in just 4 steps through a practice known as mutah/temporary marriage.
To know more about mutah, read the article about it on our blog:

00:00 | Intro
00:41 | How to Do Mutah
02:45 | Quranic Verse That Allows Mutah
03:15 | The History of and Ruling on Mutah
04:11 | The Place of Mutah Among People Nowadays

9 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) was not the author of the Quran. It was Allah who revealed the Quran to his pure heart. In this video, we give 10 reasons the Quran was not written or dictated by the Noble Prophet of Islam.

00:00 | Intro
00:17 | Prophet Muhammad's Character
00:53 | Illiteracy of the Prophet
01:14 | Consistency of Message
01:46 | Scientific Knowledge
02:15 | Challenges and Prophecies
02:38 | Historical and Geographical Accuracy
03:01 | Spiritual and Moral Guidance
03:20 | Miraculous Nature
03:37 | Lack of Contradictions
03:55 | The Prophet's Unwavering Belief

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal

5 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

أظهر المزيد