
What does unbelief mean?

1 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Why do unbelievers try to not see the realities of life?
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O God, why are You so angry and so upset with the unbelievers?! You talk against them very much! In chapter “Muhammd,” you order to fight them with severity. You forbid the believers from loving them. Your special gift in chapter “Hujurat” is creating hatred toward unbelief in people’s hearts. “He has made detestable to you unbelief, wrongdoing, and disobedience.” [Qur’an 49:7] Why is God so upset with the unbelievers?! And why aren’t we like that? We don’t have an accurate understanding of unbelief, so we are not upset. If we have an accurate perception of unbelief, we will be upset too. So what does unbelief mean?
What is unbelief? It refers to a person who deliberately escapes from reality. He ignores reality [and hides the truth]. Well, that's bad. How much do you want to keep doing this? One time you didn’t see a reality in one corner. Once you ignored another reality in another corner. A different time you saw something, but you lied, the common lies that people sometimes tell. Well, if this is what you are always doing, and you don't want to be realistic on fundamental issues, you have messed up God's plan.
God created people to choose. What is the necessary factor one needs to choose? Seeing. But you are completely against seeing! You want to cut off any connection with reality. So what did God create? Why did God create us?! He created us to be able to decide and choose based on our own will. In making these choices, we should constantly keep making the best choices and move toward Him step by step.
But when you decide to not see at all, you are completely undermining making choices. They bring two sweets or two scenes in front of you, and they tell you to choose or to judge. But you close your eyes saying, “I don't want to see at all.” You messed up the plan. You are messing up the game! Open your eyes and choose. One time you make a mistake; one time you behave correctly. One time you see more accurately; one time you see inaccurately. These things happen to a person because he is a human being. But you want to mess up the game completely!
One reason for God's anger is that seeing and being realistic are the essence of creation. Otherwise, why did God create human beings? See reality! You may choose the wrong angle for looking at realities at times. We will try to fix that together. Sometimes you attach importance to something and sometimes you don’t. We’ll try to fix this. This is the story of human life and the growth that one should achieve. But sometimes you try to not see anything at all and you disconnect yourself from reality.
The unbeliever has another characteristic too. What is that characteristic? He pushes others to disconnect themselves from reality too. He doesn't just stay in his own shell! Actually, this is what God talks about in the beginning of this chapter. “Those who do not believe and turn (people) away from the way of God…” [Qur’an 47:1] God’s way is for people to see reality.
In another place in the Qur’an, it says the unbelievers like you to be an unbeliever too. Why? “Out of envy for their souls.” [Qur’an 2:109] [We can say] they envy you because you are realistic! They want to do something so that you won’t be realistic either. How does Satan want to lead everyone into unbelief and despair?
He hurt Prophet Adam with the poison of despair. He said, “Shall I direct you to the Tree of Eternity and a kingdom which never decays?” [Qur’an 20:120] What should Adam have said? He should have said, “The God Who gave me these things has thought about my immortality too. I don’t need anything else. If I want to, I will tell God Himself, ‘O God, make me eternal and make Your blessings eternal.’”
Satan told Adam (as), “No one is thinking of you.
God doesn’t care about you. I will show you a way.” He tried to be smart! Unbelief means not seeing God’s grace! God became upset with Prophet Adam. This caused Adam to fall and be expelled from Heaven. Adam and Eve cried for years and said, “God, forgive us. We neglected You for a moment!”
The unbelievers are addicted to not seeing reality. They cause you to become addicted to not seeing reality too. So God gets upset. An unbeliever is a person who doesn’t see reality, especially the great realities of the universe that are very influential in a person’s life.

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