
We are important to God! | Ali Reza Panahian

5 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Each moment He is waiting to see if I will return to Him or not.
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According to the traditions, a person who says that he won’t get anywhere in this world will be deprived of everything. Many people don’t get up to talk to God since they think they’re not valuable. They think they’re being humble when they don’t consider themselves to be valuable. Yes, the Friends of God go to God and say, “God, I’m nothing. Have mercy on Your lowly servant.” What does “lowly” mean?
If you think in a bad way that you are bad, contemptible and inferior, you will not pray for yourself at all. You won’t go to God anymore. You won’t consider yourself to be valuable for you to supplicate God. Why don’t we pray to God, cry and plead for the Reappearance? Because we think, “We’re not important in this world! How important are we?! God doesn’t look at us, does He?!”
“You are important to God!” “But we’re sinners, we aren’t important!” “My dear, you’re so important that when you start repenting, the Almighty God says, “Tell My servants that when they repent and return to Me, I am [happy] like a person in the desert who has found his lost food and water.” “O God, but You’re not in need, are You?!” He’ll reply, “I’m not in need. But I love My servant so much that his destiny is important to Me.”
Pharaoh was important to God. God was going to take him to Hell, and He did in the end. But he was important to God that He told Moses (as) to talk to him with gentle words. [Qur’an 20:44] “He has rebelled and won’t accept. Talk to him in a way that he becomes convinced.” “O God, is Pharaoh important for You or Moses? You’re telling Moses (as) to talk mildly with Pharaoh!” Pharaoh is important for Him. God’s kindness toward Pharaoh is very surprising.
[One may say,] “Don’t say this! God doesn’t like the disbelievers.” Yes, I know God is angry with them, but He has talked about them a lot. This shows a disbeliever is so important to God that He rebukes him so that he may return! I am important to God. Yes, it’s true that since I’m not that good a person, I’m not that valuable and I won’t be greatly rewarded. And God doesn’t like me the way He likes good people. But He hasn’t thrown me away! And this is very valuable.
Satan tells a person, “God doesn’t look at you at all.” But he’s very wrong! It’s impossible that God doesn’t look at me. Each moment He is waiting to see if I will return to Him or not. I am important to God. My prayer is important to God! God listens. “What did My servant say?” Of course God doesn’t ask anyone. He knows this Himself. I’m playing it out like this. [God says,] “What did My servant say? What was his opinion about the Reappearance?” “He didn’t say anything.” “Did God ask my opinion?” “Yes, God asks your opinion.” Looking at yourself in a bad way shouldn’t dominate your mind. [You may say,] “Don’t you say that we should be humble and not be arrogant?”
Yes, one shouldn’t be arrogant. But even a bad child knows that he is important to his mother. A child who has failed his exam thinks, “What should I tell my mother?! I don’t care [about my test], but she will get very upset and may even start crying!” This is a very important point. But we consider ourselves to be so lowly, bad and little that we don’t see a mother waiting for us to want to cry for us.
I am important to God. My prayer is important to God! Each moment He is waiting to see if I will return to Him or not. Looking at yourself in a bad way shouldn’t dominate your mind.

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