
The Undeniable Miracalous Event - Birth of Imam Ali (AS) - Sheikh Mohammed Abbas Panju [ENG SUBS]

14 المشاهدات· 23/04/07
University of Mahdi
University of Mahdi
1 مشتركين

The Undeniable Miracalous Event - beautifully explained by Sheikh Mohammed Abbas Panju with English Subtitles.

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib's (A.S) birth in the Holy Kaaba is unique, for this is the only known occasion on which a child was born within the precincts of the Holy place ever since its foundation thousands of years ago.

When the lovers of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) go for Hajj, they always remember his birth in the Holy Kaaba and whilst making the Tawaaf (the Ritual Circling of the Holy Kaaba), they feel proud and happy that Imam Ali bin Abi Talib's (A.S) name is linked with the House of God, and at every circuit they look towards the wall which had split in two to allow Imam Ali bin Abi Talib's (as) mother to enter the Sacred Premises. This particular place is known as 'MUSTAJAR', and here a special ritual is highly recommended.

The entire body with the cheek and the stomach are to be brought into full contact with the wall and in this position; the worshipper with palms open should seek forgiveness and ask Allah (SWT) for his righteous desires and for the removal of difficulties. The following supplication should be recited: "Ya Allah! This House is your House and this person is your slave and this place (Mustajar) is that place from where forgiveness of sins and safety from the fire of Hell are obtained."

(source: https://www.imamali.net/?id=2556)

Full video from: ShiaAccess
The whole lecture is with English Subtitles

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