
The Strategic Role of a Bad Trait | Ali Reza Panahian

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

The Strategic Role of a Bad Trait

Sometimes there is only one bad trait, but it causes a person to go to Hell. Very simple. It makes a society wretched. This means this evil has a strategic role. Some evils in general have a strategic role. For example, jealousy is strategic.
Amru Aas’s son narrated, “Once, I was sitting in the Mosque. The Prophet of God (s) said, ‘Whoever wants to look at a person that will go to Heaven, look at this old man who will enter now. He will definitely go to Heaven.’”
Amru Aas’s son was a sensitive and astute person. He wondered about him?! He was young. He came to the old man’s house and said, “I have had an argument with my father and don’t have a place. Will you let me stay in your house?” The old man accepted.
He stayed there for three days and watched him day and night. He saw that he was a regular person. He couldn’t find anything special in him! He prayed, slept, ate, worked, etc. He didn’t recite the Qur’an or fast in a special way.
After three days, he told the old man, “I’m sorry. I lied that I said I had an argument with my father. I wanted to watch you closely to see how you are. And I saw that you are a very normal person.” The old man responded, “Was I supposed to be abnormal?” He replied, “The Prophet (s) said that you will go to Heaven. You have something that we don’t.” The old man replied, “That’s very kind of the Prophet to say so. I don’t know.” He asked, “Talk some about your mood and work.”
The old man replied, “I am like ‘this and that.’” Suddenly the old man said, “If God gives a virtue to anybody, it isn’t hard for me.” I say, ‘How nice. Good for him. How beautiful.’” Amru Aas’s son said, “This is what we are unable to tolerate.” I am unable to tolerate for God to give something to someone with no reason. I say, “What about me?!”
Some traits are strategic. Like the trait of jealousy. Actually, what is the first negative trait that is born in a human being? Jealousy starts from the age of three. It bothers the child too. You should have children very close in age, not very close, at least three years between them, so that this child feels jealous, becomes bothered, and learns to pass on it. You vaccinate him or her.
“This is how it is! You have come into this world to pass the test of jealousy. With your small brother or sister, see how it is. Feel what Cain, Talha, Zubayr, Mu’awiah, and Umar Sa’d felt. The story started from here. Fight! Fight with your jealousy my little one.” Let your child practice and you help him or her. This is the way it is. Is it possible for God not to tell us to work on such a strategic trait like jealousy every day? Is it possible?
What part of the Qur’an is obligatory to recite every day? Chapter ‘Hamd.’ “(Lord), guide us to the right path, the path of those to whom You have granted blessings.” (Qur’an 1:6-7) You didn’t feel bad?! God has granted them blessings. What about you? “No, guide me to their path. It’s not a problem that He has granted them blessings. I’m not jealous.” Good job! Good job! “…the path of those to whom You have granted blessings,” means that I’m not jealous. Actually, I’m humble in another way too. Not only I’m not jealous or miserly, but I’m humble in another way too. What is that? “Guide me to their path.”
Jealousy is the basic theme of God’s test about religion. Guardianship shows itself there. One of the miracles of our religion is the religious mourning ceremonies for Aba Abdillah al-Husayn, which work on our most basic, strategic, bad trait. In each meeting, your jealousy towards the “Guardians” will be struck down so that you won’t become like Cain. It brings us out from being like Cain.
When they talk about Abel’s tragedies, your heart softens and warms so that you won’t become Cain. May I be sacrificed for Husayn (‘a) and his children that they were all beaten so much to create this humbleness in us. You will see on the Day of Judgment how much Husayn (‘a) has struggled for us. This was God’s design! This Able (Husayn) that we burn for helps us not to become Cain.
[From the series of speeches under the topic of “Being Independent, Being Passive.” Muharram 2019.]

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