
The Safest Place in the World | Ali Reza Panahian

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

He’ll let you feel Him as God and Him being a shelter!
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The insecurity in human beings’ lives prepares the setting for them to take refuge in God’s safe embrace. This is the path of life, servitude and moving toward Him.
God says, “Nowhere in the world is safe except for in My own embrace. You don't have security on the way coming toward Me that easily either. If you do good deeds, it’s not clear if I will accept them. And if you do a bad deed, that will have punishment. It’s even possible I will put you aside forever if you do some bad deeds.” Therefore, you see a person should always repent. The Friends of God always go to God and take refuge in Him from this insecure environment.
In which situations are we deceived? In situations where we feel we have become a little stable in our environment. And we see causes and their effects repeating in our surroundings and think these causes and effects are truly doing something independently. In which situations are we deceived? When we see we have been living for several years, and thank God, we haven’t gotten cancer. So we think we’ll never get cancer. Others will pass away, but we won’t.
“Whatever I’ve seen, it’s been like this that others have passed away, but I haven’t.” “It’s true you haven’t died yet, but you’ll pass away one day.” He says, “I ignore that part so I don’t feel insecure in life.” God says, “Look at it. When you feel insecure, take refuge in Me.”
It is said in the traditions that you shouldn’t feel safe because of your family either. “What do you mean?! They’re my family and my parents! How can I not feel safe with them?!” It is said that your children are a “Fitna.” What does “Fitna” mean? It means they’re places where you’ll be tested. So God brings insecurity here too. Your children and wealth are a “Fitna,” and you shouldn’t feel safe due to what you have. “You’re saying nothing brings security for a person.” If you feel safe with everything, and I say, “Feel safe with God too,” you’ll say, “Ok, I’ll feel safe with God too. Thank God, I have everything. All these can help together for me to feel safe [along with God].”
But God says, “I’m the only One [to depend on].” If we depend on God, we won’t feel bored, and very beautiful things will happen. Our relationship with God will take shape, and we’ll gradually fall in love with God. If you don’t feel secure due to anything else, you’ll be able to hear the words that are about God giving security. You’ll be able to hear, pay attention and be reminded.
In each moment, every time you say a little that, “O God, my security is from You,” in each moment that you say this, you’ll grow miles. You should say, “O God, I don’t feel safe without You. O God, You’re witness that my security is only from You. My security doesn’t depend on my health, youthhood, wealth, degree or position. O God, my security is only from You.” If one is able to say this to God, this is called faith. One will start tasting faith from this point on.
Nowhere in the world is secure. Nothing in the world gives security. «یُدْرِکْکُمُ الْمَوْتُ وَ لَوْ کُنْتُمْ فِی بُرُوجٍ مُشَیَّدَةٍ» “Wherever you are, death will overtake you, even if you are in fortified, high towers.” [Qur’an 4:78] From what do you want to feel secure? “O God, You’re my safety and You give me security.” [After saying this,] see what God does with you. He’ll let you feel Him as God and Him being a shelter.

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