
The Prophet’s Hardest Struggle | Ali Reza Panahian

1 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

This verse from the Qur’an is unique. Why? Because the greatest command to the Prophet for struggle is mentioned in it. Struggle without a sword, is called a “kabir” (great) struggle. We have usually heard of an “akbar” (major) struggle. “Major” struggle or self-improvement, is the opposite of “asghar” (minor) struggle [war]. Major struggle means it’s bigger than a minor struggle. But a great struggle means it is absolutely great. This verse about the great struggle without swords was revealed in Mecca. Against what? What did the unbelievers say that the Prophet (s) needed to struggle greatly? The great struggle wasn’t about idols or a deviated worshiping. It was about politics.
“So do not follow the unbelievers, and strive against them a great striving…” [Qur’an 25:52] This struggle wasn’t using the sword, because it was in Mecca. A hard struggle without a sword. It means that there was a great conflict. “So do not follow the unbelievers.” What had they said that the Prophet should not have obeyed them?
When I recite this verse, I don’t think the unbelievers had suggested that the Prophet (s) drink with them!
“[They didn’t say] circumambulate the Ka’ba, pray, or worship idols like us.”
It’s unlikely they said such a thing for God to talk about it. The Holy Prophet (s) didn’t do such things before Islam either. Let’s recite the previous verse. They said, “You’re the Prophet of God for the city of Mecca. Ok. Ask God to send another prophet for Medina and another one for Ta’if. Each nation should have a prophet so that there won’t be any conflict”. Was this a bad idea?! It’s an interesting solution.
“You be the prophet of the Quraysh.” They didn’t deny his prophethood. “We accept that you’re a prophet. Ask God to send a prophet for us and one for them.” They didn’t want a person from that nation to be under the supervision of a person from this nation. Isn’t this a political matter?! It wasn’t about beliefs. They didn’t have any problem with prophethood or with him personally. God says, “O Prophet, don’t obey them.” They were suggesting some kind of expedient.
“It seemed reasonable too.”
It wasn’t bad. We’re talking like the unbelievers now!
“Yes. They could each have their own prophet.”
Then there wouldn’t be conflicts, since each nation has its own culture.
“Each nation does things in its own way.”
“So do not follow the unbelievers, and strive against them a great striving...” The true reason for not believing in the prophet as the Qur’an states was for political reasons and for power. It wasn’t even wealth. They said, “O Prophet, we’ll give you any money we earn from the Ka’ba.” He answered, “If you put the sun in one of my hands…”
“This was about that.”
Yes, their problem wasn’t wealth.
They even accepted a kind of managing for the Prophet. They said, “Be our ruler, but don’t say you’re a prophet.” So what’s the difference between the prophet ruling as a prophet and him ruling as a regular person?
“They’re both ruling.”
They’re both ruling, but they objected to him. We are talking about before people accepted Islam. Then some became Muslims. So what is our greatest expectation from them? Do we expect them to have understood what kind of politics they were objecting to? Qadir took place after 10 years, but they still didn’t accept it. After 25 years, Imam Ali (as) became the Caliph. [The question is that] they had accepted everything at that point and had experience too. What kind of politics was it that Imam Ali (as) wanted them to understand but they didn’t?
“They even killed him.”
Yes. We are now waiting for that kind of politics to come about. It’s impossible for us to neglect this. We must fix this to become ready for the Reappearance of the Savior.

أظهر المزيد

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