
The Nights of Destiny | Ali Reza Panahian

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

The Nights of Destiny
Don’t miss these special nights.

These are the words of Hazrat Zahra (‘a). She said, ““Whoever sends his pure worship acts towards God, God will determine the best expedient for him.” Ayatollah Bahjat said, “If difficulties do not affect the way you worship, your problems will be resolved.” Based on this, I tell the friends who have problems to forget their difficulties when praying. After prayer, they’ll see they don’t feel so weighed down. Isn’t it time to pray? Aren’t you in debt, taking care of someone who is sick, or have to deal with thousands of problems? When saying, “Allahu Akbar” (God is the greatest) push these aside with the back of your hand and pray. “God, I don’t have any difficulties now. I’m not in debt. I don’t have thousands of pains and miseries. I am only Your servant now.” This is “pure worship.” Then say, “Allahu Akbar.”
Consider the “Jawshan Kabir Supplication” you recite in the Nights of Destiny. Can’t you just recite the “Jawshan Kabir Supplication”? “But, where can I talk about my debts in the Supplication?” “You don’t need to mention them. Just say, ‘Release us from the fire, O Lord.’” [Jawshan Kabir Supplication] Call God by His beautiful names. Say, “I am calling Your beautiful names because Your names are beautiful. You are dear, lovable and attract people.” Worship as if you are truly worshiping! Worship sincerely. Then, you’ll be given the best expedients. For example, a disease was going to cause your spiritual growth. But, they say, “A small cold is enough.”
I suggest to you honorable people that whoever has not worshiped for the last year should come. It’s the Night of Destiny. Worship this one night. Don’t let Satan mislead you on the way by saying, “You weren’t corrected during this whole year. Now, you want to travel a hundred year distance in just one night?” Satan is a dastard. He is very wrong to say these things.
Yes, one can travel a hundred year distance in just one night! “(Worship) on the Night of Destiny is better than (worship) for a thousand months.” [Qur’an 97:3] Who is Satan to come and make me hopeless! Satan says, “You want to become like Ayatollah Bahjat in one night?! Now you’re worshiping so much! You don’t even know how to make the ablution! Now, you’ve made it and want to worship till morning?!” Satan says these things to you. Say, “Yes, I want to worship tonight.”
Some reach high levels in the Nights of Destiny. A person worships one night, but he travels a distance of a 100,000 months. So why have they said a thousand months? 1,000 is a hyperbole. I’ll worship one night. Very good, you who don’t miss this night. When Fatimah Zahra’s children wanted to sleep during this night – they were young - she would pour water on their faces and wash them very kindly. She would say, “My dears, you should stay up tonight. Tonight is the Night of Destiny. You shouldn’t sleep.” Staying up is a way of being humble in front of the Lord. It’s a respect to destinies, which God is determining for you. God is very gracious. He wants to write something for you, but He sees you’re sitting in the gathering and saying “By Your right, O God,” and “Release us from the fire, O Lord.” So God says, “I don’t like to punish him anymore!” “God, he has come. He is sitting and waiting.” God says, “Ok. Don’t write this. Don’t write the other one either. Write the best expedient for him.”
The Night of Destiny is not only for praying for one’s personal destiny. The Night of Destiny is for a society’s destiny too. If for the society and community that you are living in a destiny full of suffering is determined, you’ll be hurt too, even if you are a good person. We should rescue our society from a bad destiny on the Night of Destiny. Perhaps that is why it is good to pray in a group.

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