
The most determining factor in human destiny | Ali Reza Panahian

4 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

The most determining factor in human destiny

Are our prayers and supplications effective?

“Can we affect our destiny?” Yes. For example, you can pray. But, if the determining factor allows, your prayer will be answered. If that determining factor doesn’t allow, your prayer won’t be answered, even if you’re a good person. “Can I do good deeds and affect my destiny? For example, if I give charity, will a hardship be eliminated?” Yes, you can. But, there is a determining factor.
That factor should permit charity to eliminate this hardship, which was going to occur. If it doesn’t allow, it won’t be eliminated. “So, why do they say charity eliminates 70 hardships?” Yes, it eliminates 70 hardships, but there is a condition. “If I do good deeds, for example visit my family, will my problems lessen and my sustenance increase? Will my sustenance increase with recitations (dhikr)?” Yes, these are effective, but on one condition. The determining factor, which is the most effective determining factor for our destinies, should allow it. If it doesn’t allow it, no matter how much you repeat recitations, your sustenance will be added somewhere else. For example, it will be given to your child, or you’ll receive it in the Hereafter, or they’ll give you something else. That determining factor should allow it. That effective factor, which is the most effective factor in divine decrees, is divine testing and trials.
We have been created so that we may be tested in this world. God has not resolved on giving hardships to His servants, unless the determining factor demands this. God has not resolved on giving comfort to His servants, unless the determining factor demands this. God has not resolved on giving an opportunity to His servants, unless the determining factor demands this. God is not resolved on taking away opportunities from His servants, unless the determining factor demands this.
All of your moments and your destiny - from any angle you look at it - are under the influence of testing, the determining factor. “God, grant me a good spouse.” “Is he a good person for his prayers to always be accepted?” “No, but he pleaded a lot this time. Accept his prayer.” “Put it in the testing system first.” “The testing system says he is supposed to be tested with a bad spouse.” “So, write the reward for this praying for him, and give him a bad spouse.” “God, wait. I want to explain something.” “What explanation do you want to give?!”
Does God give sustenance to people? Yes. But He keeps some people poor? Yes. When He gives sustenance to some and doesn’t give it to others, that is their test. What is testing? Aha! It looks like we are gradually understanding some things. Our life in this world is based on testing. “It is He who has created death and life to put you to the test…” [Qur’an 67:2] It is for you to be tested. You have come into this world to be tested.
What is the most determining factor in our destiny? Tests. “So, can our prayers have an effect?” Yes, you can change your certain destiny with praying, but if the testing system allows. But, most people don’t know what the questions and answers are and what is happening. Living with God is so captivating. It’s enthralling. He’s testing you in each moment. Like a coach for ping-pong, He’s standing on the other side and wants to train you to reach the level of the national team.
He’s a professional coach. You see He smashes the ball into one side three times. This means your right side is weak. You should strengthen it. He plans. Then, He smashes it into the middle. He hits it softly. This means you can’t hit these balls, but you should hit them. Be captivated. Do your own duty!
Why do you want to know about destinies? You want this and that to be changed, and you keep giving your opinion about them. God is your coach about destinies! For example, the divine testing system now says this good servant, who usually prays the midnight prayer, the angels should keep asleep and not let him get up to pray. The angels say, “But God, actually he’s a good person. Let him pray and grow! He is motivated too. It’s Muharram and winter time with long nights. He can move forward. Why keep him asleep? He really struggled to be able to stay up these nights. The religious speakers motivate people to pray the midnight prayer. Now, you’re telling us to keep him asleep?!” God replies, “My testing system says he shouldn’t pray now. The testing system says if he wakes up, his test will be ruined.”

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