
No trying to catch each other in the act! | Ali Reza Panahian

5 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

No trying to catch each other in the act!

“… and He put between you love and compassion…” When you choose a spouse, you have to think whom to choose. You will have to show mercy on the person you are choosing. Can you have mercy on him/her? Can he/she have mercy on you?
The family is the place for showing mercy. If a couple wants to find each other’s faults, both of them will be wretched. Whoever does this more, he/she will end up in Hell. Be sure.
It seems Hell is for the couple who have come to know each other’s faults, and constantly find fault with each other. God says, “You have become familiar with each other. Therefore, you easily know each other’s faults. You should show mercy to each other! I have entrusted My servant to you. Don’t try to find his/her faults. Don’t rub it in.” Don’t say, “You were like this or like that from the beginning.”
The family is the place for having mercy. Some say, “I don’t want anyone to have mercy on me!” I say, “What are you saying?! The members of a family, or the husband and wife, should have mercy on each other. We shouldn’t say these words!” He thinks that he is the wisest person! He is the model of all virtues! He thinks he is so important that he doesn’t need mercy! “No, why? You deserve mercy.”
The husband and wife see many of the each other’s faults. A tradition says, “If a person remembers the faults of others so that one day he can use these faults against them, he will leave the guardianship of the Household of the Prophet (a).”
Some people are used to this. They use it against others. They don’t have mercy. You see a poor woman who is a housewife and has taken care of her children. She has many virtues, but she didn’t have mercy on her husband. You will see her resurrected with Saddam in the Hereafter! “What are you doing here? How many people have you killed?” She will say, “No, Saddam didn’t have mercy, and I didn’t have mercy either. So both of us are here.”
The same thing happens about men who don’t show mercy. They will be resurrected with Pharaoh! “Oh! Where did you rule? Where did you embezzle gold that you have come here next to Pharaoh?” He will say, “No! I didn’t have anything.” “So why are you resurrected with him; you wretched person?!” He will say, “I didn’t have mercy on my wife. It is said that Pharaoh didn’t have mercy either. So we are the same!” “I have entrusted My servant to you. Don’t try to find his/her faults. Don’t reproach.”

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