
❌Living with fear is not sweet❌

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

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I want to read a tradition from Imam Ali’s (as) luminous words. This tradition is truly outstanding. There is a short sentence from the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), in this tradition that is truly astounding. This should be put up everywhere. It’s a beautiful sentence.
Imam Ali (as) said, «إنّی إذا استَحکَمتُ فی الرَّجُلِ خَصلةً مِن خِصالِ الخیرِ احتَمَلتُهُ لها و اغتَفَرتُ لَهُ فَقْدَ ما سِواها» “When I see a person has one good feature, there is a good feature in him, I don’t consider the rest of his bad features. I consider him to be a good person. I forgive the rest.” See how beautiful, kind, magnanimous, fatherly, and wisely he treats others. That’s why the Prophet (s) said, “Ali and I are the fathers of this nation.”
Imam Ali said this to be an introduction to the following, “But I cannot tolerate for a person to have these two defects.” If these two features are in a person, no matter what other features he has, it’s useless. Imam Ali was easy about some things, but he was strict about these two features. What are those two features?  «وَلَا أغتَفِرُ لَهُ فَقدَ عقلٍ ولا عَدَمَ دینٍ» “If a person is not religious and wise, I won’t accept him.” Why? «لأنَّ مُفارَقَةَ الدِّینِ مُفارَقَةُ الأمنِ» If a person is not religious, he won’t feel secure. «لا تَهنَأُ حیاةٌ مَع مَخافَةٍ»
Life without a feeling of security is not sweet or enjoyable. How will you tolerate a life that is filled with fear? Why are you used to having these chronic fears? How beautiful! Put up this sentence from him everywhere. A life with fear is not pleasurable or beautiful. A life with fear is not sweet or enjoyable. One cannot live with fear. Don’t be afraid! “What should I do with my fears?” Eliminate your fears by having faith in God.
God, the superpower and the only power in the world, is supporting me.  “There is no strength or power except from God, Who is exalted and great.” Talk about God’s power. When you say, “There is no strength or power except from God, Who is exalted and great,” God will say, “Solve My servant’s problems. Didn’t you see he said that power is in My hands?”«لا تَهنَأُ حیاةٌ مَع مَخافَةٍ» Imam Ali (as) said, “Living with fear is not a sweet, beautiful life.”

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