
Haj Qasem’s School of Thought | Ali Reza Panahian

5 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Haj Qasem’s School of Thought

Actions speak louder…

[Ayatollah Khamenei:] We shouldn’t look at Haj Qasem Soleimani as being just one person. We should look at him as a school of thought, as a path and as a school of instruction.
We should try to get to know Soleimani’s school of thought. When we look at him as a school of thought, it will be more instructive. He can be viewed either as a school of thought or as a school of practical mysticism. A school of thought is a collection of knowledge and solutions in actions. For the high concepts in human beings’ lives to become manifested in action and for them to be understood, it takes a long time.
For example, the concept of “sacrificing.” What is sacrificing? A person needs something himself, but he lets go of it and gives it to someone else. By just describing it, this meaning doesn’t become clear. But when you give an example, people say, “Aha! Right!” It is then that a person starts to understand.
Thus, a tradition says, “Invite people with your actions.” Invite people to theoretical concepts by way of actions. Invite people to knowledge with your actions. Because nothing like actions can increase knowledge. Sometimes you must see an action in order to understand a concept. Sometimes you should act yourself in order to understand that concept.
Some fathers tell their sons, “You haven’t become a father yet. You don’t understand.” You ask them, “What is it that they don’t understand?” They say, “I miss my child.” The child says, “I understand this.” The father replies, “No, you don’t understand. You should become a father to be able to understand.”
If we did not need this so much, it probably wasn’t that necessary to build schools of thought. We need Soleimani’s school of thought. Some things cannot be understood from Imam Khomeini’s school of thought without Soleimani’s school of thought. Some things cannot be understood about the Shi’a school of thought without Imam Khomeini. Similarly, the essence of the Qur’an cannot be understood without the Household of the Prophet (as). The Household of the Prophet (as) don’t say anything more than what is in the Qur’an. All their words and actions are an explanation of the Qur’an. They are a continuation of those concepts that are being manifested in a tangible form and in actions. In order to understand some things they should be seen in actions. That is why when a person acts correctly, his life becomes a school of thought.
That is how Soleimani’s school of thought was formed. Why do we believe his life is a school of thought? If a person has been successful in acting correctly, much wisdom can be seen in his behavior. He has a good understanding. Even the scholars need to see and study this kind of good understanding. Some of this cannot be found in libraries.

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

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