
Eliminating Stinginess and Becoming Generous | Ali Reza Panahian

3 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian

Eliminating Stinginess and Becoming Generous

The Quran says, “Therefore be careful of (your duty to) Allah as much as you can, and hear and obey and spend…” It brings one example of obeying, “Spend.”
The Quran says, “But when good comes upon him, he is grudging.” Spend means don’t be stingy. Spend. What did you spend today? Spending is not just giving money. A tradition says, “Helping a weak person is charity.” Someone couldn’t do something and I helped him with my ability. I shared my ability. This is spending.
Spending doesn’t mean that he is poor. We all need each other’s help. We live in a system of cooperation. Help others. Spend. The verse continues, "…and spend, it is better for your souls; and whoever is saved from the greediness of his soul, these it is that are the successful.” Greed (shohha) is more severe than stinginess.
What’s the difference between greed and stinginess? A tradition explains it delicately. Someone asked Imam Ali (a), “What is ‘greediness of the soul’ that has been mentioned in the Quran?” He answered, “It is a person who is twice as stingy.” A stingy person doesn’t give his property to others. A person who is more stingy wants other people’s property too, and not give it away! It hasn’t become his property yet; whether legal or illegal money, he doesn’t want to spend it. Human greed makes a person miserable!
A person who is not greedy says, “If I had one billion Tomans, I would give 800 million to my friends to solve their problems and use 200 million to solve my own problem.” A greedy person says, “If I had one billion Tomans, I would use 200 million to solve my own problem. Then I would give… No, why should I give? I would buy another place.” He feels jealous when others have money. “Why is this darned money in their hands?” “What would you do with it?” “None of your business!” He is so rude!
A tradition says that if you don’t want to be like this, you have to spend. It is recommended to spend mornings, nights, and every day. “We will collect it and give it at the end of the month.” “How much do you want to spend at the end of the month?” “1,000 Tomans.” “You don’t need to give 1,000. Just give 30 Tomans, but give half a Toman every morning and half every afternoon.” “Why?” “This is what is wanted from you.”
This spending is really hard for some people. Do it continuously. You don’t need to give a lot. Give a lesser amount, but do it continuously. A tradition says that if you want to give a donation, give it to your child to give it. Let him learn from his childhood. Give it away. “Here my child, give it away.” Give it away.
For example, a screenwriter has written a screenplay. Someone helped him and they argue over it. “It’s mine. Go away! It was mine originally.” The Quran says, “Grudging.” Give it away. Tell him, “Write it in your own name.” Give it away. This is a kind of Zakat (poor tax) too. A tradition says, “The Zakat of knowledge is to spread it.”
“No, quickly register this in the Ministry of Guidance.” “Grudging!” We have instilled grudging into our social systems. We don’t share our abilities. “This was due to my ingenuity. We are five people on this project. It didn’t come to their minds! Each idea was mine. Should I be equal with them?!” Such a society should be damned, because no one is willing to share. Damned in this world. We don’t damn for the Hereafter, but it will be damned. We don’t need to curse. Give it away.
Everyone opens a company for himself. They try to keep the secrets of the company so that no one can use them. No one take their ideas. “The ideas are ours. We won’t give them to anyone!” These are un-Islamic behaviours.
A tradition says if you don’t want to be like this, you have to spend. Every morning and night. This is what is wanted from you. This is really hard for some people. Do it continuously. Give a lesser amount, but continuously. Give it away. “Here my child, give it away.” Give it away.
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