
Deep Inside the Heart | Ali Reza Panahian

2 المشاهدات· 24/07/12
Ali Reza Panahian
Ali Reza Panahian
في آخر

Deep Inside the Heart

The prophet David (‘a) asked God, “God, who is at the same level with me in Heaven?” God replied, “The daughter of ‘so and so’ is at the same level with you in Heaven.” The prophet became curious about what this girl had that she was at the same level in Heaven? He got the address and went to that family.
He asked, “What good points do you have? What worships acts do you do? How vigilant are you?” She mentioned some of her normal deeds. The prophet David (‘a) said, “No, these are not things to cause you to be at the same level of the prophet of your time. Tell me more for me to understand.”
She said, “I am very optimistic about God.” The prophet David (‘a) approved and said, “This is what can cause a person to be at the same level of the prophet of his or her time.” God says, “I look deep inside My servant. Deep inside is the part of a person’s heart, which is hidden and which a person may not be aware of himself in many cases.” God says, “Let Me see what is deep inside his heart? Whatever it is, I’ll deal with him based on that.”
God determines our future for the next year on the Night of Power. How does He determine our future fate? One of the very important factors is to be optimistic about God.
Can a person pray or make up a missed prayer on the Day of Judgement? Can a person take money with himself to pay for his debts on the Day of Judgment? Can he give charity there? Can he do anything to gain some reward? There is one deed, which is effective on the Day of Judgement, and that is being optimistic and having hope in God.
After calculating a person’s deeds, they want to send him to Hell. He constantly looks behind himself. The Almighty God says, “Bring My servant. Why is he looking behind himself?” He says, “God, I didn’t think You would punish me.” God replies, “I have forgiven you now because you were optimistic about Me.”
Being optimistic is effective on the Day of Judgment! God replies, “I have forgiven you now because you were optimistic about Me.” Being optimistic is effective on the Day of Judgment!
God make us Your best servants on earth during this Month of Ramadan. Do you know why we don’t pray like this or cry for this? Because we say, “This is too difficult. Forget it. It’s not that easy.”
This is being disappointed. This is not something strange. “I don’t feel like it.” Do you know why? Because, you don’t believe you will be given such a thing. “Is God this kind? No!” This is an obvious insult, having doubts about the extent of God’s Kindness. This is being disappointed.
Where does our regret start from? It starts from each good deed that we weren’t able to do. We will blame ourselves and say, “I didn’t want it. I wasn’t optimistic. I didn’t have hope that God would give that to me. So, He didn’t.”
Being optimistic, hopeful, and not becoming disappointed are not just moods. In practice, they have effect. If you say it’ll happen, it will happen.
She suddenly said, “I am very optimistic about God.” The prophet David (‘a) agreed and said, “This is what can cause a person to be at the same level of the prophet of his or her time.”
[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “A human being’s moods, as stated in the Qur’an.”]

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