
A Message to Manqabat and Noha reciters - English Subtitles

11 المشاهدات· 23/04/07
University of Mahdi
University of Mahdi
1 مشتركين

Maulana Sayed Talib Hussain Mosavi's message to the Manqabat and Noha reciters.

Ayatollah Sayed Ali al-Sistani:

Question: Is it permissible to listen to revolutionary songs accompanied by sounds of piano, lute, drum, wind-pipe, and electronic piano?

Answer: If the music accompanying it is that *which is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings*, it is not permissible to listen to it.


Recent response by the Istifta Section, Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani

In the Name of Allah, the Most High

المناسبة لمجالس اللهو والطرب والرقص محرمة وغیرها جائزة ومنها الموسیقی الموسیقی العسكریة والحماسیة والجنائزیة، فان كانت الموسیقی الكلاسیكیة داخلة في القسم الاول فهي محرمة والا فلا وان كانت رعایة الاحتیاط احسن واولی .

It is not permissible to play or listen to music that is suitable for entertainment, amusement gatherings and dancing. [The crucial line is in it [music] being commensurate (equivalent) with the gatherings of entertainment and moral depravity.] Other types of music such as those that are used in army, the epic music and the music that is used for mourning are allowed. If classical music is included in the first category, then it is haram, otherwise it is not, and it is better to exercise precaution in regards to such type of music.

May Allah grant you success.

Ayatollah Basheer Hussain al-Najafi:

‪‫المكتب المركزي لسماحة ايه الله العظمى المرجع الديني الكبير الشيخ بشير النجفي دام ظله‬‎ ([email protected] wrote:‬)

In the name of Allah, One should fear Allah and avoid ll the prohibited acts such as singing as it is forbidden even it is in reciting the Holy Quran, praising Ahlulbait (PBUH)or the poetry on the tragic events . Also, using amusement instruments whose sound is similar to that of the singing is forbidden. Allah knows best.

(Excerpt of the lecture)
When the respected Di’bal ibn Ali al Khuzai comes in the presence of the Imam Ja’far, the Imam stands up for Di’bal and says
“Welcome to our helper who helps us through his through his hands, heart and tongue!”
Is there any poet like this today who truly helps the A’imma with his heart and tongue?
All these ‘singers’ (and those who work with music in the background) are nowhere near the dust under the feet of Shaheed Sibte Jafar Zaidi.
What a great poet he was! What a great style and manner he had! Shaheed’s rank is not less than that of Di’bal. He was the Di’bal of South Asia.
God have mercy on him, and may God raise him with the Ahlulbayt!

أظهر المزيد

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