
ضمني | الشيخ حسن الشمالي | جديد محرم 1445/2023

0 المشاهدات· 24/10/21
Al Esraa Media | الاسراء ميديا

اداء : حسن الشمالي
كلمات : الشيخ محمد بن نصار & السيد محمد البحراني الموسوي
الهندسة الصوتيه والتوزيع : حسين نجم
تصوير : محمد القلاف
مونتاج : نورس الطيب
مخطوطه : حسين مقيم
الترجمة : حسن القطري
اخراج : جراح الحسيني

(ضمّني) الصدرك يَمَن صدرك تهشَّم بالخيول
Hug me to your chest O’ one whose chest was shattered by horses
هذي آخر لحظه بيك أشتم عطر أمّي البتول
This is the last moment in which I smell Fatima’s scent in you

1/ مدلّل الزهره وعلى الـ ـتربه منامك
Fatima’s coddled son yet you rest on the battlefield
الخيل لَمّن داستك طحنت عظامك
When the horses stomped your chest crushing your ribs
اشلون اضمّك والجسد مملي بسهامك
How can I hug you when your body is covered with arrows
ليش يا عطر أمّي ما أسمع كلامك
O’ aroma of my mother, why is it that I don’t hear your voice

يحاچيها وتِصُب عَينه دمُوعَه
He speaks to her and his tears flow
لَنْ گَلبَه انحطف واحنَت اضلُوعَه
As his heart was captivated and his ribs were bent
غُمَض عينَه وصَارت بيه موعَه
He closed his eyes and was about to die
هُوَت فوَگَه ودَمِعهه عليه يِنثَر
She collapsed on his corpse and spilled her tears on him

حتى لو ينجرح جسمي من سهامك والنصول
Even if my body is wounded by the arrows which are pierced into your body
انطيني آخر ضمّه خويه وعسى عمري ما يطول
Hug me one last time, I wish that my life is short after you

2/ گلبك احنيّن يغالي وما كو مثله
Your heart is kind and unmatched O’ beloved
يا عجب ينصاب ويتگطّع ابنبله
A wonder, it is struck and ruptured by an arrow
ومن إجه الذبحك شمر ناديته خَلَّه
As Shimr approached you, I cried “leave him!”
اشلون امنعه لو رقى صدرك ابنعله
How can I prevent him if he mounted your chest with his slipper?

تِشِم حسين وتجلّب بجَرحَه
She smells Hussain and holds his wound
ولَن الشمر يدفَعهَا ابرُمحَه
As Shimr pushes her away with his spear
گُومي يو أَذِبحچ فُوگ ذَبحَه
“Move away or I’ll slaughter you on his corpse
واخلِّيها بطُول الدَّهَر تِذْكَر
I shall make that mentioned across history!”

مِن وَكزنِي ابكَعَب رُمحَه حرِت مَا أَعرِف شَگُول
I was bewildered he pushed me with the heal of his spear
رِدت أوصلّك وامنعَه و مَا كُو چَارَه للوُصُول
I wanted to reach you and stop him, there was no way in which I could

3/ ياللي دم طفلك غَسَل رَاحة يَمِينَك
The blood of your infant washed your palm
هسّه گاع الطف تِغسلَه ابدم وَتِينَك
And now your blood washes the ground of the battlefield
أنظر الذبّاح اذبحك وما أَعِينَك؟
I see your slaughterer murdering you and I can’t aid you
وداعنه ابنظرات او عيني تشُوف عينَك
Our farewell is in glances as our eyes meet

يَخايب خلِّي أخوي حسين سَاعَه
O’ vile infidel, let my brother live for just an hour
أغمضلَه ومد للمُوت بَاعَه
I’d close his eyes and prepare him for death
مَهُو شمّامة الحلوه طِباعَه
He is my beloved whose habits are sweet
دِخلِّي بَراح رُوح حسين تِظهَر
Let Hussain’s soul depart in peace!

مكّن السيف ابوريدك طاش عگلي امن الذهُول
He aggressively butchered your neck, my mind was stunned
گِلْت إله اذبحني و عُوفه هذا گطعه امن الرَّسُول
I told him “Murder me but leave him! He is a piece of the Prophet”

إنتاج: #الإسراء_ميديا - الكويت 1445/2023
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