
Sheikh It Up | Ep. 6: The Appointed Days | Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo

14 المشاهدات· 24/06/21
Wessex Jamaat
Wessex Jamaat
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In this episode, my grandson Ali Yahya shows me his new toy. It's special - it sings the months in the Islamic calendar. The months of Muharram, Rajab, Dhulq’adah and Dhulhijjah are Ash-hurul hurum; the sacred months.  A significance of these sacred months is that the recompense for good deeds is amplified and so is punishment for bad deeds.The blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah,  one of the Ash-hurul hurum, are almost upon us! The entire month of Dhul Hijjah is important and special, and up until the very last day, there are important historical events to celebrate and reflect upon. A significant historical event during this month is the fasting and retreat by Nabi Musa a.s. to the Mount Sinai (Tur) / Valley of Tuwa for a period of 40 days as instructed by Allah SWT.

As we prepare to perform this special salat, I invite you to shake ourselves by reflecting on FIVE points based on the special prayer of the appointed days.

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