
Ali Reza Panahian
7 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer" by Ali Reza Panahian

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

Ali Reza Panahian
1 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Small Pharaohs

On the Day of Judgment, the curtains move away. “On the day when all secrets will be made public.” [Qur’an 86:9] It will become clear if a person was a small tradesman, a homemaker or a regular person. But, they take this person with Pharaoh to the same place. “God, why do You take this person with Pharaoh? He/she hasn’t done anything.” God replies, “He/she acted like Pharaoh and rebelled in his/her own situation.”
“Why do You take this person with Saddam? He hasn’t even killed an ant.” “But, if he could have, he would have done it, and this is his file. He only had authority over one person, and we told him, ‘She is your wife and you are her husband.’ He oppressed his wife like a Pharaoh. If he had authority over a few people, he would have massacred all of them.” “Why are You resurrecting this woman with Saddam and Pharaoh?” “She forced her husband and humiliated him. He was so afraid of her. She didn’t have authority over him, but she kept him under her feet.” This person is rebellious! “Indeed man becomes rebellious when he considers himself without need!” [Qur’an 96:6-7]
Some women are homemakers. But, they are merciless with their tongue. They attack and set things on fire. She screams at her child saying, “Get lost! I said …” She demolishes. “This is not your child. He/she is God’s servant. After you have struck, bothered or scared him/her, how do you want to answer about this to God?” Being rebellious is very bad. God gives some people a small opportunity and says, “Don’t rebel. Let’s see what you do.” If they don’t rebel, God will give them another and another opportunity. Then, He resurrects such people with the prophets and their descendants.
God is asked, “He was an ordinary person. He had a teahouse. He poured tea.” God replies, “He wasn’t dishonest when pouring tea. He would make tea for the customer in the same way that he made it for himself.” The human being is a rebellious creature. How does he/she show his/her rebellion? Either they get upset internally, or they bother the people around them. Or, in politics they rebel and want to dominate a society. This is one of a human being’s states, which God has mentioned firmly in the Qur’an! This is certain. The human being is a rebellious creature.

God gives some people a small opportunity. If they don’t rebel, God will give them another and another opportunity. Then, He resurrects such a person with the prophets and their descendants.
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Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Destiny or Choice?

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

- Those who mock the prophets are the same ones who produce terrorists.

- Someone who does not respect a personage who is respected by a large number of people does not respect the people themselves either.

- No cultivated person can tolerate disrespecting a prophet, even if he has no religious beliefs.

I, on my own part, say to the French people, you who believe in Jesus and you the Jewish people who believe in Moses, you should know that disrespecting the Prophet of Islam is not ineffective in disrespecting the prophets of other religions such as Christianity and Judaism.

No religious person in the world is able to tolerate disrespecting a prophet. Even those who are not religious but are cultured and cultivated are not able to tolerate disrespecting the Prophet of God (peace be upon him).

Don’t think that if the Prophet of God is disrespected, culture will remain or human traditions will be honored.

The people of culture and art should not tolerate disrespecting the Prophet of God. God didn’t tolerate those who mocked His messenger.

Someone who does not respect a personage who is respected by a large number of people does not respect the people themselves either. Those who mock the prophets are the same ones who produce terrorists.

Ali Reza Panahian
Jamkaran, Qom, Oct. 30, 2020

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

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Abdullah bin Umar met Aba Abdillah al-Husayn (as) in Medina. He said, “I’ve heard you want to go.” “Yes, come with me and help us,” said the Imam. “No, I can’t,” he said. “O Abdullah bin Umar, this world is not worth it. Come with me.” The Imam then told him a reason for him to be able to think correctly. He said, “This world is such that the Children of Israel would behead their prophet at night and live their life comfortably in the morning.” The Imam recited an elegy for one of the beheaded prophets in order to help Abdullah bin Umar lose his infatuation with this world. “This world isn’t worth it. Come with me. It’s a world where such crimes take place.”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? You friends who are mourning for Aba Abdillah al-Husayn and who love him, accept this that we have just started our relationship with Imam Husayn (as). The Imam’s martyrdom has not yet affected us. Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. It’s when you take this elegy seriously on the night of Ashura, “Tonight the king of religion is a guest in her tent. O morning, don’t rise!”
Who can be affected by Aba Abdillah al-Husayn’s (as) martyrdom? The one who has this unusual thought the night before Ashura, “Maybe they won’t kill Husayn (as) tomorrow. Maybe. Could it be possible?” You say, “The story finished 1,400 years ago!” But when one has an intense love, his mind functions like this and is under the influence of his love. When he is told that Husayn, the son of Lady Fatimah, was martyred on the evening of Ashura, his life changes. He’ll live differently from the next day. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. He’ll live differently. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

📘 This book is now available in paperback on Amazon and lulu.com
🔻 The Kindle edition will be available soon, God willing.



🔴 Why is this sermon of Imam Ali (as) so special and enjoyable to read?
Its unique characteristics, such as the clear reason for him giving the speech, it having a mystical tone, it being applicable to various situations, it being comprehensive, and finally its descriptive tone, make it perhaps the best sermon on ethics in Nahj al-Balaghah.

🔴If you are tired of hearing advice, this book is for you!
People usually get tired of hearing “advice” very quickly. Some people even escape from hearing advice. However, “describing” something does not have the same effect on them, especially when it is describing goodness. Perhaps there is nothing that is able to bring enthusiasm, give enough motivation and increase resolve in people for them to move and do good deeds in the same way that describing goodness is able to do.
The Commander of the Faithful (as) has given an artistic description of pious people in the best, most famous sermon on ethics in Nahj al-Balaghah, the “Muttaqin (Pious) Sermon.” No advice is given in this sermon. It is entirely a description of the virtues and beauties of pious people from the beginning to the end.

🔴 Practical and contemporary
"A Shower of Goodness" is not just a book of knowledge that just gives us new information and that's it! No, the author deals with both the visible and hidden details of each attribute of the pious mentioned by the Commander of the Faithful (as) and examines these attributes using a completely practical approach. He also gives everyday but new examples that can be used by the reader.

🔴 A look at the chapters of the book:
Becoming Familiar with the “Hammām Sermon”
Hammām’s Question
Piety: Something Needed by All Human Beings
The Beauty of Piety
Being Proper
Output is more important than input
Wearing Good Clothes
Controlling Our Eyes
Only Useful Knowledge

🔴 Where can I get this book from?
The paperback version of the book “A Shower of Goodness” is available through Amazon and Lulu.com, and they are able to ship it to most countries.
The Kindle edition will soon be available from anywhere in the world, God willing.


Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer" by Ali Reza Panahian

End of the first series.
Watch for the upcoming series in "Our Book Corner."

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

🔎A closer look into the book "A Shower of Goodness"
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📘A Review on the book "A Shower of Goodness" by Ali Reza Panahian

💻You can find Ali Reza Panahian's books on Amazon [both in Kindle (ebook) and paperback edition] and also on Lulu.com

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