
Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

More Tender-hearted than a Mother

Mothers’ hearts break very fast. They are manifestations of God. They are even harder than God. No one is as tender-hearted as God. “There is nothing like Him” (Qur’an 42:11) He is so tender-hearted.
For example, you have done something 99% because of God and 1% because of your neighbour. God says, “I don’t want it. It’s useless. I won’t accept it.” “But God I put myself through so much trouble, and 99% it was for You! See my heart!” He replies, “No, it hasn’t been done purely for Me. I don’t want it.” “God! You have become like my mom!”
I bought this cake and thought that I’ll either take it for Mom or my friend. “My friend wasn’t around; I brought it for you.” Mom gets upset. She says, “See how he has bought me a cake!” “But Mom, I have bought it for you.” “No, you said yourself that you were thinking of your friend too. If it was for me, maybe you would have bought a different cake.” “Mom! Take it easy!” Moms are very tender-hearted.
Moms are like God. God is very tender-hearted too. If you feel even a little bad, God says, “My angels! Is he saying there is no God?” “We swear to You that he believes in You, God! Why are you so tender-hearted? He just prayed.” “No! See. He’s feeling bad. Don’t I exist? Don’t I support him?!”
It had been a few days that nothing was revealed. The Holy Prophet (s) was very dependent on God and His Grace. The Prophet (s) had become tender-hearted too! The Prophet of God (s) became sad thinking, “What has happened?” God became upset, “My Prophet! Are you sad?! Haven’t I held your hand up until now?! ‘Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?’ (Qur’an 93:6) Didn’t I take your hand when you were an orphan? Now you think that I have left you?! You didn’t have anyone or any guide. I guided you. ‘Did He not find you poor and suffice you?’ (Qur’an 93:8) You didn’t have anything and I took your hands.” I think the Prophet (s) suddenly said, “God, I am happy. I’m feeling very well. Don’t complain about me anymore. I won’t feel bad anymore!” Peace was established.
If God wants to talk to us, He has many things to say. I think God has lots of complaints about us. What does God tell you? The words and concepts that He tells you are more important than what He told His Prophet (s). God told the Prophet (s), “Didn’t I send revelation to you?” This is very good.
But, do you know what God tells us? He says something that is somehow even more valuable. What is that? God says, “Didn’t I give you Husayn (‘a)? Don’t you see him? Didn’t I give you safety by way of Husayn (‘a)? Didn’t I give you blessings by way of Husayn (‘a)? Didn’t I give you love by way of Husayn (‘a), so that you may experience love? Millions of poems are composed for him, but you don’t get tired. Will I leave you alone?! So, why are you feeling bad?” You should thank God very much because of His Husayn (‘a).
God is very tender-hearted! If you feel even a little bad, God says, “My angels! Is he saying there is no God?” “We swear to You that he believes in You, God! Why are you so tender-hearted? He just prayed.” “No! See. He’s feeling bad. Don’t I exist? Don’t I support him?!”

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Religious Gatherings, a Place for Changing People’s Destinies

Let’s put ourselves on the path of doing good deeds. Qur’an, “Be with the truthful,” and “Bow your heads with those who bow (in worship).” Go into the good crowds! Good crowds somehow push a person for correcting his behaviour. In a group prayer, you are encouraged to read the recommended supplications afterwards. When you participate in religious meetings, you’re encouraged to say Salawat (greetings to the Prophet and his Household) for different reasons. You’re encouraged. When you go to the religious gatherings regularly, they say, “We have a gathering tonight. Come.” You’re encouraged.
Apply yourself to doing good deeds, with good crowds, and with good friends. This is very effective. What is the result and fruit, which comes from these good deeds? Intention. Juicy, sweet, golden intentions, which can give water to a world. Because, in a religious gathering there is more access to the depths of a person’s heart. The gatherings either make a person think deeply or influence him or her deeply.
That nice longing, that cute and good intention, which God accepts, can usually be found in the religious and eulogy gatherings. If you carelessly make an intention, it won’t be what it should be. An intention should have roots in a person’s internal being. Because, in a religious gathering there is more access to the depths of a person’s heart.
One of the things that the Almighty God does is to connect the far past of a person with his far future. We don’t usually relate these to each other. We don’t even remember them. But, God remembers them. He keeps them noted. He plans a 20-year plan and you reach it.
Suddenly a person longs for something. He says, “I wish I could help to guide a few people.” He says this deeply, sincerely, and caringly. His life turns around. Perhaps 15 years later the environment is right for him to bring prosperity to 40 people. Other people regret saying, “Why couldn’t I do that?” God says, “I am his or her God and your God too. If you had wanted it, I would have given it to you too.”
All of the things that happen are based on what comes to our heart. Sometimes they show it and it’s a disaster! I mean from morning to night we must watch over our hearts. Heart don’t wander for God’s sake! Although, we can’t. You can, God willing. Bring your heart to a religious gathering. Say, “Unruly one! No matter where you’ve gone, let me take you somewhere good too at least.”
Sometimes a person does a precise act on his intention and changes his destiny. That nice longing, that cute and good intention, which God accepts, can usually be found in the religious and eulogy gatherings. Because, in a religious gathering there is more access to the depths of a person’s heart.

Ali Reza Panahian
1 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Make your house like a stage in the theatre.

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The most effective factor in bringing up children well at home is how the parents behave with each other. The parents should consider the home to be a scene of a show in a theatre and be coordinated with each other. They can have a script or a plan for a play and show desired behaviors to their children. In this way, the children will learn about life, the future, ideals, humanity, and morality from their parents’ behavior when dealing with each other. Parents should never show their children that they cannot tolerate each other. They should show that despite different preferences, they tolerate each other. This should be shown and played out.
Image if the child is behaving badly and never apologizes. The solution is easy. The parents can work together, even for less than a month. The wife should say, “I’m sorry. I apologize. Have you forgiven me?” “It’s fine.” “Can I be sure that you have forgiven me?” “Yes, I have forgiven you. It’s fine.” Then the other way around. “My wife, I apologize. Truly forgive me.” If they apologize to each other in front of their child a few times, the child will be corrected. Raising a child is easy!
A child’s training is based on the parents’ behavior with each other. Imagine you hold a grudge against anyone you are upset with, say whatever comes to your mind, and pout whenever you want. Then your child cannot be trained correctly anymore. A tradition says if a man’s family eats the foods that he prefers due to their fear of him, this is a sign of him being a hypocrite. This tradition has explicitly stated it in this way. But if the father eats the foods that his family likes, this is a sign of him being a believer.
Mom says, “Your dad doesn’t like squash, but we have squash tonight because it’s healthy.” “But didn’t you say dad doesn’t like squash?” “Yes, he doesn’t like it, but he’s a good man! See what he does.” He eats the squash and acts as if it’s very tasty. He says, “I actually enjoy eating these foods I don’t like. Your mom has cooked it.” The children should hear this and see this tradition acted out.
On the other hand, if a man is upset, his wife shouldn’t let him sleep in that mood. She shouldn’t say, “I’ll fix it tomorrow morning. Who cares! He’ll sleep.” No, he should forgive her before going to sleep. She thinks, “I’m tired, forget it.” No! A tradition has said you should hold his hand and say, “You can’t sleep until you forgive me.” The man will enjoy this and think he’s a true king! And similarly, that behavior with the wife will make her think she’s a queen!
A person went to Imam Baqir’s (as) house. Imam Baqir’s children were watching their parents’ behavior. That person saw the Imam was wearing red clothes. In other words, the man needed to see the Imam. So he went to his house and saw the clothes the Imam wore at home. He said, “You’re wearing red clothes!? You’ve never worn such colors before. You usually wear white.” He said, “This is the color my wife likes.” This means, “I wear the clothes at home that my wife likes. She should like them.”
Children are like spies. They secretly collect information and give it to themselves. A child comes into the kitchen and sees that when a poor guest comes, his mom uses cheap plates. But when a high-class guest comes, she says to use the more expensive dishes. “Mom, these guests are different!?” She says, “Yes, she’s not important. She’s just your dad’s sister!” So the child learns discrimination, and he/she won’t forget this that easily.
The parents should consider the home to be a scene of a show in a theatre and show desired behaviors to their children. In this way, the children will learn about life, the future, ideals, humanity, and morality from their parents’ behavior when dealing with each other.

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "Why does God command me?" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

The link for the book "Why does God command me?" written by Ali Reza Panahian:
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Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

When a mom sees her child is successful, she becomes happy.

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:
Once a man picked up a few baby birds. He thought, “They’re so cute. Let me take them to the Prophet (s).” The mother bird came. She started flying around them. He thought, “I’ll take them to the Prophet (s). Their mother is coming too.” He placed the birds in front of the Prophet (s). The Prophet (s) saw their mother and said, “Move back!” Their mother came and threw herself on her baby birds. The Prophet said, “Did you see how this mother bird put herself in danger because of her baby birds? Does she love them?” Everyone said yes. The Prophet (s) said, “God loves you more than this mother.”
In another story, a mother lost her infant baby. In the middle of a battle, she was crying loudly. When she found her baby, she started nursing him. The Prophet (s) said, “Come here. Does this mother love her baby?” Everyone said, “Yes, of course. She did everything to find him.” He asked, “Is she willing to throw him into a fire?” They replied, “O Prophet of God! No, of course not!” He said, “God is kinder to you than this mother is to her child.”
Don’t you enjoy participating in Imam Husayn’s (as) mourning ceremony? So why are you being rewarded for it? Let me ask this in a better way. Why are you given the highest reward? Why? Don’t you enjoy? Isn’t affection enjoyable? Isn’t affection the highest enjoyment? So why are you being rewarded? Do you know why God rewards you? Because God is [kind] like a mom. When a child becomes happy, his/her mom becomes happy too.
When a youth is accepted into the university, his/her mom buys sweets. He/she says, “Mom, why do you trouble yourself? I’ve succeeded for myself.” She says, “Because I’m your mom. When I see you’re fine, happy and enjoying, I do whatever I can for you.” God is more of a mom than a mom is!
Have fun and be rewarded by God! Why does God reward you when you wake up at dawn? [You might say,] “It’s very hard!” Believe me, its reward is not because it’s hard. The reward is because of the cheerfulness, energy and health that you gain. God is like a mom. When a mom sees her child is successful, she becomes happy. She talks lovingly since she is a mom, “O my dear one!”

Ali Reza Panahian
5 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

🔎A closer look into the book "A Shower of Goodness"
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📘A Review on the book "A Shower of Goodness" by Ali Reza Panahian

💻You can find Ali Reza Panahian's books on Amazon [both in Kindle (ebook) and paperback edition] and also on Lulu.com

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

👉🏼 We should divide the work and inform others.

🔻According to the words of the Prophet of God (s) on the day of Ghadir, it is obligatory for the believers to tell the story of Ghadir to those who do not know it until the Day of Resurrection.
🔻 Narrating the Prophet of God's (s) sermon on the day of Ghadir for others is an important example of carrying out this obligation for those who have the ability and opportunity to do so.

👉🏼 You can find this sermon online at:

📎 http://duas.org/ghadirkhutba.htm

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One of the topics mentioned on the Day of Ghadir was informing people. We still haven’t done this although we now have the tools to do so. Can you believe that each one of you can send a message to one billion people? We just need to design the mechanism and help each other. There are no obstacles.
Who should tell others? The Holy Prophet told everyone to gather, and he asked them to tell everyone what he said. This is what he meant if we want to say it in today’s language. There is an important, obligatory command in the speech of the Prophet (s) that was delivered on the Day of Ghadir and which is still obligatory. The Holy Prophet (s) said that whoever heard him should be a medium for telling others about it.
The Prophet of God (as) made this obligatory. All the scholars know this. This was a command to those who were there and people who were to live later. He asked us to tell others about this.
This is similar to if we all gather here to do a task. What is that task? To spread news of something to everyone. We should divide the work and inform others.


Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

📘 This book is now available in paperback on Amazon and lulu.com
🔻 The Kindle edition will be available soon, God willing.



🔴 Why is this sermon of Imam Ali (as) so special and enjoyable to read?
Its unique characteristics, such as the clear reason for him giving the speech, it having a mystical tone, it being applicable to various situations, it being comprehensive, and finally its descriptive tone, make it perhaps the best sermon on ethics in Nahj al-Balaghah.

🔴If you are tired of hearing advice, this book is for you!
People usually get tired of hearing “advice” very quickly. Some people even escape from hearing advice. However, “describing” something does not have the same effect on them, especially when it is describing goodness. Perhaps there is nothing that is able to bring enthusiasm, give enough motivation and increase resolve in people for them to move and do good deeds in the same way that describing goodness is able to do.
The Commander of the Faithful (as) has given an artistic description of pious people in the best, most famous sermon on ethics in Nahj al-Balaghah, the “Muttaqin (Pious) Sermon.” No advice is given in this sermon. It is entirely a description of the virtues and beauties of pious people from the beginning to the end.

🔴 Practical and contemporary
"A Shower of Goodness" is not just a book of knowledge that just gives us new information and that's it! No, the author deals with both the visible and hidden details of each attribute of the pious mentioned by the Commander of the Faithful (as) and examines these attributes using a completely practical approach. He also gives everyday but new examples that can be used by the reader.

🔴 A look at the chapters of the book:
Becoming Familiar with the “Hammām Sermon”
Hammām’s Question
Piety: Something Needed by All Human Beings
The Beauty of Piety
Being Proper
Output is more important than input
Wearing Good Clothes
Controlling Our Eyes
Only Useful Knowledge

🔴 Where can I get this book from?
The paperback version of the book “A Shower of Goodness” is available through Amazon and Lulu.com, and they are able to ship it to most countries.
The Kindle edition will soon be available from anywhere in the world, God willing.


Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Our Book Corner
Based on the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer" by Ali Reza Panahian

Watch for the upcoming clips from this series!

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The link for the book "How to Pray a Good Prayer," written by Ali Reza Panahian:

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