
سيد الوفاء | علي الوائلي الكربلائي | جديد محرم 1445/2023

0 المشاهدات· 24/10/21
Al Esraa Media | الاسراء ميديا

اداء : علي الوائلي الكربلائي
كلمات : مصطفي العيساوي
التسجيل : علي ميرزا
التوزيع : محمد خليف
المكساج : حسن بور محمدي
مخطوطه : حسين مقيم
تصوير واخراج : محمد العبودي
الاشراف العام : جراح الحسيني

قمرٌ سيِّدُ الوفاءْ
A moon, the master of loyalty
كفُّهُ للفراتِ ماءْ
His palm is like water to the Euphrates
إنَّهُ كافُ كربلاءْ…أبو الفضل حبيبي
He is the essence of Karbala, my beloved Abbas
هذا حديث الصادق بعلمه
This is the narration of AlSadiq
منو يفهمه
Who can comprehend it
شرح بي مقامه ومكانه العظيم
In it, he explained his great status
عباس اكبر من عطش خيمه
Abbas is greater than the thirst of a tent
ومطر غيمه
And the raindrops of a cloud
اخو حسين آتاهُ بقلبٍ سليم
The brother of Hussain who came with a pure heart
شسولف عنه ياناس
What can I say to describe him
جبير بكلشي عباس اشوفه
Abbas is great in every detail
اشوفه بكربله هواي
In Karbala, I see him as the air
السمه والكاع والماي اشوفه
The sky, the ground, and the water
بيرغ ما يهوه
A flag which does not fall
مقياس النخوه
The example of nobility
واليدرس خوه
He teaches brotherhood
منه تعلم
We learn from him
خيمه اعله خيمه
A tent which embraces the tents
لليعطش غيمه
He quenches the thirst
تلگاه بكل هيمه
You find him in every desert
منبع زمزم
As a spring of Zamzam
سبحان الخالق
Grace to Allah
قرآن وناطق
A speaking Quran
يشهدله الصادق
AlSadiq attests for him
هو الاعلم
And he is the all-knowing
إنَّ عمِّي لهُ مكانْ
My uncle has a status
دونَهُ تسجدُ الجنان
Paradise prostrates to him
للسَّما إنَّهُ سماءْ…أبو الفضل…حبيبي
He is the sky to the sky, my beloved Abbas
إركب بنفسي يگله ابو اليمه
“Mount, may I be sacrificed for you” tells him Hussain
حچي عصمه
Words spoken by an infallible
إله منزله أعله من جَبرئيل
He is superior to Gabriel
نفس الحسين وهذا تقديره
He is Hussain’s soul
ابو الغيره
He is infamous for his pride
شبه للگمر ما يصح مستحيل
There is no one who matches Abbas
كافل محمد جده ابو طالب
His grandfather Abu Talib was Muhammad’s guardian
وابو طالب
Abu Talib
هتف يا بو فاضل ينعم الكفيل
Chanted “O’ Abbas, you’re a great guardian”
يكافل اكبر ضعون
You are the guardian of the greatest caravan
مقامك كافل الكون مقامك
Your status is the guardian of the universe
چنت لحسين انفاس
You were the breaths of Hussain
نبي الخوه يعباس مقامك
You’re a Prophet of brotherhood
منزلته الكبره
His great status
خادم للزهره
A servant of Fatima
وكافل للحره زينب زينب
A guardian of the great Zainab
مخلوق للرايه
He was created for the flag
آيه بچف آيه
A verse in the palm of a verse
واكبر من آيه لا تتعجب
He is even greater than a verse, do not be confused
تشهدله افعاله
His actions attest for him
شيخ الخياله
The master of knights
والبيرغ شاله بچف مرتب
He lifted the flag in glory
بأبي مَنْ لهُ خيام
May my father be sacrificed for one whose tents
حجَّها البيتُ والمقام
He wandered around, as if they were his Ka’ba
كوكبٌ شعَّ بالإباءْ…أبو الفضل…حبيبي
A moon which glows with resilience, my beloved Abbas
مو بس شجاعه دور ابو فاضل گمر نازل
Not just courage, the role of Abbas is a bestowed moon
نيابه عن النور يقاتل ظلام
On behalf of light, he fights darkness
سيفه جهنم والوجه جنه
His sword is hellfire, yet his face is paradise
علي چنه
The resemblance of Ali
اكتسب عصمه لازم نسمي إمام
He gained infallibility, we must call him an Imam
بين الترافه والزعل شفته
His personality is both calm and fierce
كفل اخته
The guardian of his sister
عَله آخته الغريبه وعليهِ السلام
Peace be upon him and his estranged sister
لون ما توگع اچفوف
He his palms did not collapse
لخدرها محد يشوف يعالم
No one would have seen Zainab’s sanctuary
انسبت واعله الرمح چان
She was captivated and he was on the spear
وحي ويحرسله قرآن يعالم
An angel which guards a Quran
الكل يعرفونه
They all know him
غمضها عيونه
He closed his eyes
وماعاف ضعونه
But did not abandon his caravan
عنده وصيه
He fulfills the entrustment
لا ما نسيهم
He did not forget them
راسه يباريهم
His severed head takes care of them
بدمعه يحاجيهم
He speaks to them with a tear
هذا البيه
This is what I bear
دمعاتي بعيني
My tears fill my eyes
زينب عذريني
Forgive me O’ Zainab
طاحت جفيني
My palms were severed
يا مسبيه
O’ captiv
زينبٌ ساقَها الخؤونْ
Zainab was guided by an infidel
ما لهمْ كيفَ يحكمونْ ؟!
How are they ruling?
كمْ بكى خيرةَ النساءْ ؟! …أبو الفضل…حبيبي
He intensely wept upon the finest lady, my beloved Abbas

إنتاج: #الإسراء_ميديا - الكويت 1445/2023
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