
دقّت الساعة | علي الساعدي | جديد زيارة الاربعين | صفر 1445 / 2023

0 المشاهدات· 24/10/21
Al Esraa Media | الاسراء ميديا

اداء : #علي_الساعدي
كلمات : #ميثاق_الحمداني
التسجيل : #صالح_مقدم
التوزيع : #محمد_عليق
المكساج : #احمد_البرمكي
المخطوطه : #حسين_مقيم
الترجمه : #حسن_القطري
التصوير والمونتاج : #قيس_التميمي
الاشراف العام : #جراح_الحسيني

دگة الساعه عشگ
The ticking of the clock is a love
ماشي للحب الصدگ
I am walking to the one I truly love
عنه كل ما افترگ
Whenever I am away from him
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation
واسمع امن اگصد اله
And hear people saying
هله بالزاير هله
“Welcome visitor welcome”
عندي غالي بكربله
I have a precious one in Karbala
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation
شلت بيدي رايه
I held a flag in my hand
ورسمت البدايه
And drew the beginning
إلى اجمل نهايه
Towards the most beautiful ending
يم الحسين
Next to Husain
مشيت اعله دربه
I walked on his path
وكثر ما احبه
And as much as I love him
احس راحه تعبه
I feel ease in exhaustion for his sake
وبيه اگر عين
And in him, my eyes find solace
الگلي رايح وين اگله بدمعة العين
If someone asks me where I am going to, I say with tearful eyes
رايح لأجمل بشر صاحوله يحسين
I am going to the best of beings, they call him “Hussain”
گلي تتعب بالمشي وما تبقى رجلين
They told me, you will be exhausted from all the walking, and your legs will hurt
گتله تعبي يروح ما بين الحرمين
I said, my exhaustion will go away once I am between the two shrines
لكربله لمن اطب
When I reach Karbala
اسمع ودمعي يصب
My tears flow and I hear
منو مضيعله گلب
“Who has lost a heart?”
صوت المناداة
Someone calls out
گلبي ضاع اتخيله
It is like my heart is lost there
هله بالزاير هله
“Welcome visitor welcome”
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation
بمشيتي اراقب
As I walk, I observe
جمال المواكب
The beauty of the processions
خدامتها واجب
Their service is a duty
چنها الانصار
Following the footsteps of Hussain’s companions
درب كله رحمه
A path full of mercy
شفت احلى خدمه
I witnessed the finest service
أسمعت احلى كلمه
Heard the sweetest words
تفضلوا زوار
“Welcome visitors”
حسين لمنه بالمشي ودمعة مصابه
Hussain, with his walk and afflicted tear, brings us together
وصرنه زوار و خدم كلنا گرابه
We have become visitors and servants, all of us in humility
كلنه نشرب مايه ونشم بترابه
We all drink his water and breathe his dust
نفترگ عام ونرد يجمعنه بابه
We bid farewell every year and then we return, brought together by his gates
نجي من شرق و غرب
We come from the east and west
حسين يجمعنا بدرب
Hussain gathers us on his path
كربله مثل الگلب
Karbala is like the heart
وتحبنه كلنه
And we all love it
بيها جو ما أجمله
Its atmosphere, oh how beautiful!
هله بالزاير هله
“Welcome, visitor, welcome”
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation
بحياتي ومنيتي
In my life and my death
حسيني هويتي
My identity is “Hussaini”
واشوف بمشيتي
I see in my own steps
مشية احساس
A walk of emotions
دليلي شعاره
My heart’s title is
مشي للمناره
“Walking to the minaret”
وحلاة الزياره
How beautiful is a visitation
البيها عباس
That has Abbas in it!
والله ميهمنه الذي للقمر واصل
We do not care who reached the moon
المهم نوصل گمرنه ابو فاضل
What matters is that we reach our moon Abbas
كل سنه نمشي اله ونضل نواصل
Every year we walk to him, and we continue
غير كفال الضعن ما عدنه كافل
We have no guardian but Abbas
مركبه توصل البشر
A vehicle takes people
للفضاء و للقمر
To space and to the moon
واحنه احسن للگمر
Yet we are better, for Abbas is our destination
مشايه نوصل
Walking to him, we reach
وصوته باحساس امتله
And his voice is filled with emotion
هله بالزاير هله
“Welcome, visitor, welcome”
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation
التعب لجله يسوه
The fatigue is worth it for his sake
اله المشيه حلوه
The path of walking to him is sweet
لبو اليمه فدوه
A sacrifice for Hussain
بدربه نتعب
We tire along his way
بلطمنه وبچينه
With our mourning and tears
على دربه اجينه
We come to his path
وگصدنه بمشينه
We walk in procession
نواسي زينب
Consoling Zainab
لكربله نمشي ودمع حبنه يتجاره
To Karbala we walk with our tears streaming
للعقيله الرجعت بضعن الحياره
Upon Zainab who returned with the bewildered caravan
والامام المهدي سمانا الغياره
And Imam Mahdi calls us the loyal followers
ينادي النه تقبل الله الزياره
He prays, “May Allah accept your visitation”
وطول خطوات السفر
Throughout the journey’s steps
نندعي للمنتظر
We pray for the Awaited One
بجاه مگطوع النحر
By the sake of the slaughted Hussain
مهدينه يظهر
Our Mahdi shall appear
بكربله استقبله
In Karbala we will welcome him
هله بالزاير هله
“Welcome, visitor, welcome”
مشايه ازوره
I walk towards his visitation

إنتاج: #الإسراء_ميديا - الكويت 1445/2023
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