
Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

We know someone’s supporting us
We belong to Him.
Let’s teach our children to have faith in this way

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Some parents are drowned in their own entanglements at home. They are upset and thinking about their problems. They aren’t calm. Since they want to be comfortable at home, they easily show their sadness and that they’re feeling bad. By doing this, they’re announcing at home that they don’t have faith in God! They’re making their children irreligious.
If you truly feel you have God and Imam Mahdi (aj), you should say that your problems were designed from before. There is a wisdom behind them. Blessings will come from somewhere else. Be calm. “Don’t you have an Owner?” “Yes, I do.” “So why are you so upset?”
We must always be calm to such an extent that our children don’t believe we get upset. Why should we get upset? We have an Owner, a kind Master.
“We know someone’s supporting us.”
Yes, we should always have this peace of mind. The Almighty God is with us, and He never abandons us. We belong to Him. He won’t abandon us. A person who remembers God will not feel alone or afraid anymore. He’s not worried or sad anymore. Our child will understand where this calmness of ours comes from. In this way we have taught our children to have faith. We have taught them faith by showing the effect of faith.

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

A Different Conversation with a Suitor

Where is affection? You can find affection in a heart that has risen up against itself! You can find love in a heart that has risen up against its carnal desires! You can find loyalty and sincerity in a heart that has acted against its desires! The least action against one’s own desires is to pray on time politely without taking away from it. Prayer brings independence for a person. After you have gained independence and fought with your own will, you’ll become affectionate, loving, and show kindness. Otherwise, a person who doesn’t pray is after his carnal desires! Carnal desires are very different from affection.
A young man wants to get married. He chooses an unreligious family. He says, “I want to be comfortable. I don’t want her to nag at me.” So, they talk to see if they like each other. The woman says, “Do you pray on time?” The man replies, “Why do you care about me praying on time? You’re not the Imam of the group prayer in the Mosque. Am I being hired for something or selected for an Islamic seminary?! Do you yourself pray that you’re asking me this?!” The woman replies, “No, I don’t pray. I’m asking you. Do you pray on time, or not?” “I don’t pray on time. Sometimes I pray. Obviously, I don’t pray on time.”
The woman asks, “Do you believe that one should obey God’s commands?” The man replies, “Yes, I believe in this, but I’m not in the mood for it.” The woman replies, “I’m sorry, but I won’t accept your proposal. You may go somewhere else!” The man is surprised and says, “Why are your sensitive about my prayer? Ask me for love and affection. Ask me for wisdom and understanding in life. Ask me for discipline, politeness and cleanliness. Ask for these. Ask for money. What do you want from me?”
The woman replies, “I only want love, loyalty and affection from you. But, you are a person who cannot be counted on. A person who is committed to prayer is obviously not just after his own carnal desires. This shows that he has killed his own desires in the amount of praying on time. How can I be sure about you? Today you like me. Tomorrow you’ll like someone else. Today, you came to me because of yourself. Tomorrow, you’ll crush me under your feet because of yourself. I cannot trust you at all as long as you don’t pray. I have seen thousands of people’s lives. I myself don’t care about God or His Prophet. But, I want to have a husband who will be a human being for me! You, who believe in your God, why don’t you listen to Him? You’re after your desires. I cannot live with such a man! If you haven’t crushed yourself with prayer, you can’t be in love either. I swear you’re lying if you say you love me! You love your own desires! You’ll hate poor me tomorrow because of your desires. You are not a bit polite to a God Who has been this kind to you! If I want to become your spouse tomorrow, how kind can I be to you so that you’ll be polite with me? You ignore God. Will you be loyal to me?!”

You can find affection in a heart that has risen up against itself! You can find love in a heart that has risen up against its carnal desires!

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Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

The Missing Link in People’s Lives

I chose my goal. What should I focus on? I want to move forward. I don’t want any of my good deeds to be fruitless. I want the minimum good deeds from me to take me to my goal; plus, they write good deeds for me that I haven’t done!
I want to tell you a secret for you not to have any ineffective actions or fruitless knowledge, for our belief to give results, and for our love to be appropriate. I want to move forward. I don’t want any of my good deeds to be fruitless.
There is a link between knowledge, belief, and love with action. Paying attention to this link causes knowledge, belief, love, and action to be fruitful. Even if you don’t do any actions, when this link is present itself, you will receive the results of your deeds! Even without actions! This link does something else too. It will increase knowledge, belief, and love by itself. This link prepares you to be ready for action and makes your deeds beneficial and fruitful. The missing link in our life!
The outcast, cursed, and wretched Satan, who is our enemy, continuously makes us miserable because of this link. How? Through negligence. You should start practicing from now. This is the most pronounced spiritual skill that everyone should have. When I tell you the answer to this question, don’t say that was easy. Yes, it is easy. Human beings are always becoming wretched due to neglecting easy things. Did you think people go to Hell because it was hard? So why is the Day of Resurrection called “the Day of Regret?” Because people regret.
Everyone who is sitting here, who are very good people and I am the most wretched of all, will regret in the Hereafter. We will regret why we didn’t become like Ayatollah Bahjat. Why? Because we will realize that it was easy.
Now, I want to teach you this simple method. This missing link is intention. The intention of getting close to God. The intention that, “I will do this to get close to You God. I’m doing this deed for that.” This is intention. Don’t do good deeds without an intention. It’s useless. You will be like Cane who killed Abel! You will become so bad with your good deeds, that you will be ready to kill Abel! Make an intention for each one of your actions. Learn to say, “O God, because of You.” Your problem is not your sins. Your problem is when you do good deed without saying, “O God, because of You.”
(God says,) “I want intention from you.” “So You don’t want action?” “I want action coming from pure intention.” “What if I wasn’t able to do it, but I had the intention?” “I will accept it from you. I want intention from you.” Friends, is it hard to make the intention? Do you want to say in the Hereafter, “I couldn’t make the intention?” When you pass by a house that hasn’t been finished after a few years, you can say, “O God, I wish I had the money and finished their house for them.”
Is this hard to do? You don’t have this much conscience?! What does God want from us? I swear to God! What does God want from us?! A tradition says, “If a person has the intention to pray the midnight prayer, light will pour on him till morning! Even if he sleeps.” Is it hard to make an intention? This part of existence has been ignored. It is not there at all! Why don’t you make an intention?
A man was building his house. Imam Sadiq (a) asked him, “What are you doing?” He said, “I’m putting a window for the kitchen smoke to go out.” The Imam (a) said, “Say, ‘I am putting a window to see the sky and know when it is time to pray.’” Make the intention for God; the smoke will go out from the window too. You are putting it anyway.
I swear to God we are wretched that we don’t use these opportunities. This is our problem. A tradition says, “People will be resurrected based on their intentions.” (It will be said,) “People with this intention come to this side. Those whose intention was to help Imam Husayn (a) come here.” Some people will be chosen, and you will say, “This Person! Why him?! Why not me?!” Because you didn’t make this intention, “O Husayn, (a) if I were in Karbala…!”
Someone said, “O Commander of the Faithful, I wish my brother had been here with you.” The Imam (a) asked, “Was this your brother’s desire?” He said, “Oh, he loved to be here!” The Imam (a) said, “He was here. Not only him, but also everyone till the Day of Judgement who hears the story of my loneliness and says, ‘I wish I had been there to help him.’ I saw all of them in my army! They were here.”
What is the problem with our intentions? We aren’t used to using the opportunity to make good intentions. A tradition says, “Make yourself used to making good intentions.” My friend, you have to get used to making a good intention. Start making intentions one by one so that you get used to it. Know how to do it. It has to be learned.

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Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

We have come into this world to have fun!

Why does God take us to Heaven? Why do we go to Heaven when we follow religion? Why does He reward us?
It is interesting that I have tested this in several countries, and with the university and Howzeh (Islamic school) students in Iran. The religious problems of our people are very similar to the religious problems throughout the world. Do you know what this means? It means that those who distorted religion, for example Christianity, have ruined our religion too, and our problems have become similar.
One time seventy new Spanish-speaking Muslims came to Iran from Latin America. They had a compact training course for two weeks. They were educated too. They were either priests, university students, or university graduates who had become Muslims. They were educated people.
They were from several countries, but they had the same language. Their religious motivation was intellectual. I mean they hadn’t become Muslims just because of common feelings. I was talking to them with a translator. I asked them, “Why does God take us to Heaven? Why do we go to Heaven when we follow religion? Why does He reward us?”
I told them, “Please answer. I want your answers one by one.” Each one of them gave an answer. The summery of their answers was that because we endure difficulties and suffering in this world, God rewards us. Then I said, “Do you suffer when you worship God?” They said, “No, we love it.” I said, “If you like it, so you’re enjoying it.” They said, “Yes.” I said, “So, why does God take you to Heaven? Why is he rewarding you?” They couldn’t answer.
The discussion became more detailed. I said, “If someone suffers in his worship, he will become proud and arrogant. Do you agree?” They agreed. “He will put God under obligation. Do you agree?” They agreed. I said, “Only a worship act which you have enjoyed will remain with you. So, you will owe something. Do you agree?” They agreed. I asked, “Why does God take us to Heaven?” They said honestly, “We hadn’t thought about it.”
Then I told them that the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said that God-fearing people enjoy (their life) more than the Mutrefin. Who are Mutrefin? Rich, self-indulgent people are Mutrefin. In a letter to the people of Basra, Imam Ali (‘a) said that in this world God-fearing people enjoy more than the Mutrefin do.
“Will your mother become happy if you are successful and rich?” “Yes,” they said. I said, “Who becomes happy and brings you sweets if you buy a modern car? Your mother.” God loves us more than our mothers do. When we are prosperous in this world, God rewards us in the Hereafter.
Some people write articles, maybe without a purpose, saying that following religion has become something fun! People go on the ‘Arbaeen’ walk (for Imam Husayn (a)) and have fun! So we shouldn’t have fun?! Are we ascetics to torture ourselves? Obviously, we are having fun. They ridicule us and say following religion has become a fun thing to do! How should we answer this?!
Yes, we followed religion because we wanted to have fun! The Quran says, “If you do good, it shall be for your own souls; but if you do evil it is likewise.” Doing good is to your benefit! They ask why it is to your benefit if you follow religion?! Excuse me! You are blowing the horn from the wide side. Turn it around.
They say that people should have fun. It is not right to go to mourning ceremonies for the Imams (Rowzah) all the time. Some people agree with this. Do the people who go to these ceremonies have a bad time?! Are you suffering right now?
God is like our mother! Our mother gets happy when she makes food and brings it for us to eat and enjoy. Sit at the table, joke and say, “Mom, I won’t eat. I want to thank you. I will die from hunger, but I won’t eat.”
Why has God created His ‘Guardians’ (Uliya) for us? So that we can enjoy looking at them. “Aside from Me (God), aside from meeting Me, which is the most intense pleasure in the world, if you miss Me, look at My ‘Guardian’ and enjoy. Look at My ‘Guardian’ and fall in love with meeting Me. You know how enjoyable it is to go to the shrine of Imam Reza (a). Come into My embrace and see how enjoyable it is!”
Why do we go to Heaven when we follow religion? Why does He reward us? God loves us more than our mothers do. When we are prosperous in this world, God rewards us in the Hereafter.

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Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

No Judging!

But, I can see he’s sinning…

Sometimes the believers judge each other very much. “But, I see that she doesn’t have Hijab or he is sinning.” “They’re sinning and they are doing it openly. You discouraged them from doing bad and advised them too. But, don’t judge them!” Judging means saying, “You’ll go to Hell!” No, we don’t know. “You’re an unbeliever.” No, you can’t say that! Maybe this is his only sin, and his good deeds are more than yours.
Imam Reza (a) said, “A wise person has 10 characteristics.” He enumerated them until the tenth one. When he came to the tenth one he said, “The tenth one, and what’s the tenth one?!” The tenth one is more important than the previous ones. The tenth feature of a wise person is that he says, “Everyone is better than me, even the sinners. A sinner’s sin can be seen, but my sin is hidden.”
Another example is, “I pray and he doesn’t!” Fine, according to what Imam Reza (a) said tell yourself this person definitely has good points too. The good points he has I don’t have. The people who are hard on themselves are like this. They don’t consider themselves to be better than others. A tradition says, “He thinks there is no one but him in both worlds who will be punished.” They’ll only punish me!

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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Tales of Martyrdom
AliReza Panahian

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

How important are the public gatherings of mourning for Imam Husayn (A)? How are we supposed to act in those gatherings? A passionate talk by Agha Panahian.

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

This message is for you!

Friends, I want to speak simply with you. How long do we live? An average of 70 years. The most is 100 years. Don’t mess up the deal for only 30 years! How do you feel about 100 years? Everyone sees how short life is. But, from which angle should we look at the shortness of life?
A person’s entire honor is based on being able to look at life in this way and saying 100 years is very short. Suddenly you will open your eyes. A tradition says, “People are asleep. When they die they wake up.” 100 years was very short.
Especially you know what happens when we die. Gnostics have said that when we are dying the movie of our whole life passes by in our minds with all its details. Suddenly that is when you realize what you have lost. What moments you have ruined. What you have gained. Regret for what you have lost is the pain of dying. You know that dying doesn’t have a physiological pain. If the pain is more than a certain amount, the soul will separate. Unconsciousness. Complete cessation.
A tradition states the archangel Azrael came to take the life of Hazrat Noah (‘a). Hazrat Noah (‘a) was lying down in his house. He had a very small house and his feet stuck out of his house. Azrael said hello, and Noah (‘a) recognized him and responded. Azrael said, “Noah, I have come to take your life.” Noah (‘a) asked, “Do I have to get up?” Azrael said, “No, be comfortable. Just lie down.”
Azrael said, “Noah, you should have made a house for yourself that when you lie down your feet don’t stick out from it.” Noah (‘a) said, “This 1000 years of life is so short that a person shouldn’t be after these things.” Azrael said that in the future people will live who build towers for themselves. Their houses will be from reinforced concrete, with girders and cement. The buildings will be many times taller than they are. They will have many rooms and levels. He didn’t say it in this way, but he talked about their strength and greatness. Noah (‘a) asked, “How many years do they live?” He said, “An average of 70 years.” Noah (‘a) asked, “They make these things for 70 years?!”
When God takes a person from this world, he will complain and say, “You didn’t inform me beforehand.” God will say, “I informed you three times.” He asks, “When did you inform me?” “You weren’t paying attention! You were looking here and there. One time a person you knew passed away. One time that incident.” God notifies everyone three times before his/her death. How does he notify? I don’t know. You know it yourself.
Look carefully. If you look from a certain angle, you will understand that this message is for you. In another tradition, it has been said that Noah (‘a) was asked, “What is your opinion about the length of your life?” He replied, “It was a room which had two doors. I entered this door and went out from that door. I didn’t sit down at all. I passed through a room.”
[From the series of speeches under the topic of “The way of looking at things in epic art.”]

Ali Reza Panahian
4 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

A Special Mindset for the Nights of Power (Laylatul Qadr)

Why don’t we take full advantage of God’s Kindness? We are prevented from benefiting from God’s Mercy because we count on ourselves. This barrier is arrogance, being conceited about our possessions and achievements.
We never talk to God as if we are a criminal, cutthroat, villain. No, we talk to God as if we are honorable people, “God, as You are aware, I’m obviously one of Your good servants. And I haven’t had a fault thus far. But, I decided to turn to You tonight to say if You want to grant me more blessings, sure, I agree! Yes, I have some faults. It is possible I haven’t done as much as I should.” This person is the epitome of arrogance. This person is not able to benefit from God’s Mercy.
During the Nights of Power (Qadr) I like to go amongst the crowd of worshippers and see who has come for the first time, a person who has a history of serious wrongdoing! And, he is too embarrassed to talk. People ask him, “Sir, would you like a Qur’an?” When he wants to take the Qur’an, he thinks, “I’m too embarrassed to touch it. I have nothing, absolutely nothing to say.”
If I find such a person during the Nights of Power, I’ll go and stand behind him. I’ll say, “God, whatever you grant him, grant to me too.” He doesn’t have a trace of arrogance. He has no pretentiousness at all. Others go back home happily. But, this person is still standing. Towards the end, he will say, “God, did You look at me too?” This kind of person will make use of God’s Mercy that night.
Benefiting from God’s Mercy is very hard. Why? Because we count on ourselves. Don’t count on yourself. Are you able to go to a gathering of worshippers to repent like that criminal? You won’t go. You’d say, “It’s impossible. Is it possible?! Thank God, I’m not that bad either.”
We are even proud of our deeds, which we haven’t done! At least he has done some good deeds. We tell ourselves, “We still have time until the end of the Month of Ramadan.” “Till the end of the month?! But, you haven’t done anything yet!” “I’ll do something. Don’t worry!”
We are prevented from benefiting from God’s Mercy because we count on ourselves. What should we do to stop counting on ourselves? The supplications narrated from the Household of the Prophet (‘a) are excellent opportunities. A supplication says, “God, even if I had done a good deed, I shouldn’t have relied on it. I should have relied on Your Grace. And now, I haven’t even done that good deed. So, I must only rely on Your Grace. What should I do if You don’t look at me?”

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