
Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Destiny or Choice?

Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

How can we benefit more from the Month of Ramadan?

Many ask, “How can we benefit from the Month of Ramadan?” When we enter the Holy Month of Ramadan, we should feel that this is the first Month of Ramadan that we are experiencing. And, we should think that this is the last Month of Ramadan that we will experience. This is what they have recommended. Truly, the Holy Month of Ramadan can compensate for all the lacks in a person’s past and eliminate all of his spiritual defects.
The Holy Month of Ramadan can provide for and guarantee the entire future life of a person. The Holy Month of Ramadan is not only for one year. Each time is for one’s whole life. But, we don’t benefit from it very much. Putting effort to gain benefits, and crying and weeping to not lose this great opportunity, are factors for benefiting from this month. Many ask, “How can we benefit from the Month of Ramadan?”
They should ask this question from God ten times with tears and moans. And, they should search for the answer in the different prayers and self-evaluations that they know. Not everything should be easily at a person’s disposal.
A poem says, “Don’t pursue water much, so that you can be thirsty. Then, water will gush forth from above and below.”
Many ask, “How can we benefit from the Month of Ramadan?” They should ask this question from God ten times with tears and moans. Putting effort to gain benefits, and crying and weeping to not lose this great opportunity, are factors for benefiting from this month.

Ali Reza Panahian
5 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

What is success?

Ali Reza Panahian
1 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

How should we pray?

The polite way to pray is to thank God, before you ask Him for anything. Being polite in praying means before you ask God for something, you thank Him for the things that you have. Otherwise, it is impolite. The prayer of an impolite person won’t be accepted. Isn’t it impolite not to say the things you have, before saying that I don’t have these things?! What happened to thank you?! (Won’t God say:) You just say impolitely ‘Give me this!?’ You just wanted to tell others that I haven’t given you this?
Before that, say what I have given you. There is a difference between God and His servants. That is being insolent. A person shouldn’t be rude. “O God, we have problems. O God, give us a house!” Don’t be impolite. Start by listing the things that He has given you. He has given you a healthy spouse and children, wisdom, eyes, and ears.You won’t have enough time to list all of it. For now, thank Him for this list of things.
This is the polite way to pray. Being polite in praying is to thank God, before you ask Him for anything. Otherwise, it is impolite. The prayer of an impolite person won’t be accepted.
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Ali Reza Panahian
2 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

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The Messenger of God (s) came to Fatimah Zahra’s (as) house the day after her wedding and asked,

“My Fatimah, what has happened to your wedding dress?!”

She lowered her head modestly and responded,

"Father, O Messenger of God, a poor person came to me on my way last night.

You had said previously that we should give the things we like the most to the poor,

so I gave my wedding dress and wore my old dress.”

The angel Gabriel came and called out, "O Messenger of God,
the charity that Fatimah (as) gave has been accepted.

Fatimah’s (as) position is higher than to delay her until the Day of Resurrection.

God says that He will give Fatimah (as) whatever she asks for right now.”

The Messenger of God said, "This is Gabriel, the trustworthy,
and he is bringing God's greetings to you, my Fatimah.

God will give you whatever you want right now.”

God wants to show His Fatimah (as). He says, “Look at this servant of Mine.”

She said, "Father, I can only think of one thing that I want.”

“What is that, my Fatimah (as). Tell me.”

She said, "Nothing except meeting the Lord of the worlds and gazing at the benevolent Lord."

Then God said, "Look at My Fatimah!

When I say I will give her whatever she wants right now, she doesn’t choose something small.

She only wants to come to Me. This means I have kept My Fatimah (as) on the earth by force.”

O Imam Mahdi (aj), I apologize for saying this.

If they hadn’t attacked such a person, she would have left herself. She was not one to stay!

They shouldn’t have set fire to the door of such a person’s house.

She couldn’t have stayed among those people.
She was looking for an excuse to leave.

“If there had not been a fixed period (of life) ordained for each person, people’s spirits would not have remained in their bodies even for the twinkling of an eye because of (their) eagerness for the reward and their fear of the chastisement.” [Nahj al-Balaghah, sermon no. 193]

Ali Reza Panahian
3 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

Does it bring obsession and depression?

Ali Reza Panahian
1 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

O God, I only have You!

Who do you want to rely on besides God? During one month of Ramadan, we had a meeting with friends in this university. I don’t remember how many years ago. The friends were in a good mood. “O God, tonight is the last night of the month of Ramadan. What if You don’t forgive me tonight?” Everyone was clinging to God! In love with God! “Excuse me, why didn’t you have this feeling three nights ago?”
Three nights ago, he felt he had something besides God too. He was saying, “I have both God and three other nights. I don’t need to plead.” On the last night he said, “O God, now I only have You.” This poor person didn’t know that three nights ago he only had God too. If you read Imam Sajjad’s (‘a) supplication, you will see that he is crying in the first night because the month of Ramadan is finishing. Who do you want to rely on besides God?

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