
3 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Surah Adiyat is the 100th surah of the Quran, located in Juz’ 30 with 11 verses and 40 words. It takes its name from the first verse where God swears by the panting breath of running steeds.

The first five verses of surah Adiyat visualize for the reader a breathtaking scene early in the morning, prior to the start of a war where steeds are running with panting breaths and sparks of fire strike from their hooves. A cloud of dust is raised and they penetrate into the midst of the enemy, taking them by surprise.


2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal
#questions #muharram #islam #imamhussain

2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Allah has said in the Quran, (Every soul shall taste death.) (3:185)
Welcome to the third part of (The 6 Stages of Death) series where we talk about the fifth and the sixth stage of death. This time, we're unlocking the mysteries of The Arrival of the Angel of Death. Join us for a quick and insightful peek into this profound moment. Don't forget to hit like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more!
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✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

00:00 | Intro
00:25 | The Fifth Stage: The Results of One’s Deeds
01:26 | The Sixth Stage: The Arrival of the Angel of Death

5 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Teaching Quran to children is a very important duty of all Muslims. In fact, children are able to learn the Quran much more easily than adults because they are more talented. In reality, scientists have proven this fact that learning is easier for children, especially if it is language.

Therefore, we must all try to teach our children the Quran so that they can benefit from it all the way until their adulthood. Besides the reward that it will have for us who teach it to them, they will also receive great reward as they become fond of the Quran.

So becoming fond of the Quran is also a major goal that we must pursue because it will make us better Muslims and believers. This teaching includes reading and understanding the Quran.


6 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

8 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

8 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful courses about Islam that are really interesting to learn, which consist of :

💠 QuranforKids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

8 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Surah Buruj is one of the chapters of the 30th part of the Quran. it begins with a few oaths and then indicates a group of people known as the People of Ukhdud who would persecute the believers by throwing them into ditches of fire. The verses go on to indicate the reason for their persecution and describe the punishment and rewards that await the disbelievers and believers and cite examples of the former. The chapter ends with a brief indication of the Quran and its attributes.


1 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Welcome to our YouTube channel, where we celebrate the beauty and strength of Muslim girls wearing hijab!

Our YouTube channel is dedicated to using captivating visuals to challenge stereotypes and bring attention to the vibrant personalities and extraordinary stories of these remarkable individuals. Every slide in our slideshow showcases the elegance and self-assurance of Muslim girls who proudly wear their hijabs, representing their deep faith and distinctive personal expression.

Be prepared to be mesmerized by the colorful and artistic presentation, highlighting the strength, resilience, and individuality of Muslim girls embracing their hijabs. Together, we can create a space that promotes diversity, inclusivity, and the celebration of all cultures.

Subscribe to our channel and embark on an unforgettable visual experience that will challenge stereotypes, ignite conversations, and promote understanding. Together, let's celebrate the beauty and diversity of Muslim girls with hijab!
#hijabstyle #muslimgirl
✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

5 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

As the 93rd chapter of the Quran, Surah Duha focuses mainly on the Prophet. The verses speak of God comforting him during times when others are mocking him as well as recounting some of God’s blessings upon him. Based on these blessings God also gives certain commands to him and the believers.


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