
4 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

This question, "Have I sinned too much? Will Allah forgive me?" reflects the inner struggle of someone who has made mistakes and is unsure whether they can find forgiveness in the eyes of Allah. In Islamic belief, seeking forgiveness is highly encouraged, and it is believed that Allah is the most compassionate and forgiving. Even if a person has committed numerous sins, sincere repentance and a genuine commitment to change one's ways can lead to Allah's forgiveness and mercy. It signifies the hope and longing for redemption and spiritual renewal within the Islamic faith.

00:00 | Intro
01:05 | The right of Allah
01:44 | The right of people
02:33 | The right of your soul
04:32 | The bottom line

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

4 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Salam and welcome to Islam4U! Ever wondered about the remarkable life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Join us in this enlightening 5-minute journey as we explore the key moments and teachings that shaped his extraordinary life. From his early years to the pivotal events that marked Islam's inception, we've condensed the essence of Prophet Muhammad's life for you. Whether you're new to the story or seeking a quick refresher, this video is your passport to understanding the legacy of one of history's most influential figures. Stay tuned, and let's delve into The Life of Prophet Muhammad together!

00:00 | Intro
00:33 | Early Life of Muhammad
01:23 | The Call to Prophethood
02:24 | The Challenges He Faced
03:07 | The Migration to Medina and Later Life
04:12 | Closing Thoughts

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✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab
Despair and Triumph by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Cylinder Nine by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/cylinders/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

7 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Salam Alakum,

This is a new series on the events of Karbala where we try to relate it to our times and how we can befit from it.

Episode One: The Truth about Ashura
In the first episode of our new Muharram series, we will briefly explore the objective of the movement of Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him) and try to understand our relationship with the values that his eminence achieved.

Make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell to receive all the latest in this series...

-Make sure to check out other informative videos on the holy Quran and prophets

14 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Painful fact: nowadays consuming alcohol is increasing, and this is happening in people of different ages, including youngsters and adults. Not only is drinking alcohol haram, but it is also harmful to your health.

In this video, you are going to discover reliable reasons for the prohibition and harms of the consumption of alcohol-based on the verses of the Quran as well as scientific studies.

💠This video is a part of the Ahkam course, which is available on islam4u.pro.
you can check it out and enroll:

✅ if you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Courses about Islam in the diverse style that are really interesting to learn, which consist of :

💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection : https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal
💠 Quran4Kids : https://islam4u.pro/courses/quran4kids

and other courses that all you need to do is to visit our website :

#alcohol #drunk #intoxication

7 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

"Ever wondered about the secrets of Tajweed and the significance of Madd al-Muttasil in Quranic recitation?"

Salam and welcome to Islam4U! In this video, we're delving into the fascinating world of Tajweed, with a specific focus on Madd al-Muttasil. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of this important element of Quranic recitation, which plays a pivotal role in the beauty and precision of reading the Quran.

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses
that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal
💠 Hijab: https://islam4u.pro/educations/hijab

12 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Joseph in the Quran is about a handsome and pious prophet and servant of God whom God raises his status among the whole of creation. Joseph was the son of Prophet Jacob whose sons were jealous of him and eventually threw him into a well to be taken by a caravan as a slave. A whole chapter of the Quran is by his name and tells his story in great detail. God has mentioned his name 27 times in the Quran.


12 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Have you ever wondered about the signs that herald the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi, the awaited savior in Islamic tradition?
Salam, welcome to Islam4U. In this enlightening YouTube video, we'll delve into the mystical and profound aspects of this belief, exploring the 4 Big Signs that many scholars and believers have identified as indicators of Imam al-Mahdi's imminent return.

00:00 | Intro
00:19 | Widespread injustice and oppression
01:46 | Advent of Sufyani
02:01 | Black flags
02:33 | Voice from the sky

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Understanding the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-understand-t
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/educations..../how-to-read-the-qur
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/educations/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/educations/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/educations/halal

15 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Two of the fundamental topics for a Muslim are the principles of faith and revelation, i.e. the Quran. Surah Tariq discusses both; with an important discussion regarding the Day of Judgment as one of the principles of faith and arguments to prove resurrection and a couple of important attributes of the Quran as well as a few other topics like the guardian angels.


2 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

✅ If you're a Muslim, you'd better know we have wonderful Islamic courses that are really interesting to learn:

💠 Quran for Kids: https://qurankids.co/
💠 Learn Tajweed: https://islam4u.pro/educations/tajweed
💠 How to Read the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/how-to-read-the-quran
💠 40 Days of Servitude: https://islam4u.pro/educations/40-days-servitude
💠 The Awaited Savior: Imam Mahdi: https://islam4u.pro/educations/the-awaited-savior
💠 How to Understand the Quran: https://islam4u.pro/courses/ho....w-to-understand-the-
💠 Spouse Selection: https://islam4u.pro/courses/spouse-selection
💠 Akhlaq: https://islam4u.pro/courses/akhlaq
💠 Halal: https://islam4u.pro/courses/halal

9 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

Welcome to Islam4u! In this video, we delve into 12 Quranic verses discussing the Earth, its shape, and other celestial bodies related to it. This content is purely for educational purposes, free from judgment. Whether you believe in a flat or round Earth, we encourage you to share your thoughts and state your reasons for the flatness or roundness of the Earth in the comments below. Let's explore and learn together!
Read the article about flat and round earth on Islam4u's blog: https://islam4u.pro/blog/flat-....or-round-earth-what-

00:00 | Intro
01:05 | Verse no. 1
01:21 | Verse no. 2
01:44 | Verse no. 3
02:05 | Verse no. 4
02:36 | Verse no. 5
03:47 | Verse no. 6
04:55 | Verse no. 7
05:53 | Verse no. 8
06:42 | Verse no. 9
07:39 | Verse no. 10
08:55 | Verse no. 11
09:47 | Verse no. 12
11:00 | Conclusion

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