
صرخة واحسيناه | علي الوائلي الكربلائي | جديد صفر 1445/2023

0 المشاهدات· 24/10/21
Al Esraa Media | الاسراء ميديا

اداء : #علي_الوائلي_الكربلائي
كلمات : #ناظم_الحاشي
تسجيل : #علي_ميرزا
التوزيع : #محمد_عليق
المكساج : #حسن_بور_محمدي
المخطوطه : #حسين_مقيم
التصوير والاخراج : #نشوان_النصراوي
الاشراف العام : #جراح_الحسيني

زوّاره كِل خطوه تمشوله
O’ visitors, every step you walk towards him
محسوبه كَحَجّه مقبوله
Is counted as an accepted pilgrimage of Hajj
ماتُبقه كِل ذمّه مَشكوله
خطوات بيها مكتوب حُب فاطم قريناه
Inscribed in your tents is “We recited Fatima’s love”
غفران كل الإذنوب صَرخَةْ وآ حُسيناه
The forgiveness of all sins is the cry “Alas upon Hussain!”
زوّاره زوّاره
His pilgrims
Allah has chosen you
As visitors of Hussain
Hellfire shall never touch you
You do not just walk by your feet
But your hearts are your compass
Alongside Fatima, you hold his memorials
Never in hesitation
Your word is one
To disown anyone who is against Hussain
Alongside your walk, the Prophet’s
Heart walks with you
His voice calls upon you “You’ve remedied the wound”
One of you who came as a pilgrim
As if he raised a sword in Karbala
And as if he devoted the sacrifice of his soul in battle
You consoled by tears and wails
Every tear is from Fatima
You called “O’ Ka’aba of the needy
If not for your grace, we would not have known Allah”
The forgiveness of all sins is the cry “Alas upon Hussain!”
His pilgrims
This is the pilgrimage of every year
From your footsteps
Arrows are shot at the foes
Iraqis, it is known that
You have a wish to see
The whole world as guests coming to you
It is witnessed that for guests
No door remained closed
Your actions match your words in generosity
Your munificence remains an image
Which is spoken of across countries
One who comes to visit Hussain would hear greetings
“Welcome!” you’d cry at him
Alongside glorifications upon the Prophet
“Your pilgrimage is accepted; Karbala is your home!”
For my Hussain O’ one who seeks him
I shall not have shortcomings in my service, you know me well
I will lay my eyes for you before my home
We laid the path in hospitality and love
The forgiveness of all sins is the cry “Alas upon Hussain!”
His pilgrims
All who seek pilgrimage
حسين إبگلب مكسور
Of Hussain with a broken heart
يوم المحشر إينور جَبينه
Will have a luminated face in the hereafter
والزهره إتِلَگّاه
Fatima would welcome one
الناده وآ حُسيناه
Who wailed “Alas O’ Hussain!”
تشفعله وتجي إوياه حَزينه
She’d intercede for him and accompany him in anguish
يارب هذا وَفّاي
O’ Allah, this is a loyal person
لأولادي إوفه وياي
He was faithful to my children
وبْكِل عام مشّاي يجينه
In every year, he walked towards us
يكفي يوم المحشَر
It suffices that on Judgement Day
فاطِمه إوياه تحظَر
Fatima accompanies him
يشرب امنْ الكوثَر لو مَرّه الظِمه
He’d be quenched from AlKawthar when thirsty
هاي أعظَم بُشره
That is the greatest of news
والشفيعه الزهره
I swear by the interceding Fatima
والسراط إيعبره إبدعوَةْ فاطِمه
He’d cross the Sirat by the prayers of Fatima
لا أعظَم من دعوه للزهره
The greatest prayer is that of Fatima
يازاير من وجهك إتنظره
O’ pilgrim when she sees your face
بعيونك لوشافت العبره
If she saw tears within your eyes
وتصيح هذا موهوب وبحبنه اصطفيناه
She’d know that you’re devoted and that you were chosen for this love
غفران كل الإذنوب صرخة وآ حُسيناه
The forgiveness of all sins is the cry “Alas upon Hussain!”
زوّاره زوّاره
His pilgrims

كل موكب بنيتوه
You built every procession
كل زاير خدمتوه
Served every pilgrim
كل ضيف إحترمتوه شَواهِد
Respected every guest, these are attesting scenes
كِل صَدْر الظربتوه
Every chest you’ve beaten
كل دمعْ البچيتوه
Every tear you’ve shed
كل راس الجرحتوه عَقائِد
Every head you’ve wounded, are faithful rituals
كل دربْ المشيتوه
Every path you’ve walked
كل خير البذلتوه
Every donation you’ve made
بالجنّات تِلگوه مَوائِد
You’d find on the banquets of paradise
كل تعبكُم باچِر
Tomorrow, all your efforts
يسِر عين الناظِر
Would be pleasant for the eyes
جَزَع يوم العاشِر يتعوّض فَرَح
The grieving of Ashura, would be repaid with joy
خِدمه مِن تاليها
The aftermath of this service
جنّه وانتم بيها
Is your presence in paradise
ربها بَس منطيها للگلبه انجَرَح
Allah grants it to ones whom hearts are wounded
والجنّه بالخدمه مقرونه
Paradise intertwines with this service
باريها سَوّاهه لعيونه
Allah created it for the sake of his eyes
للخادم جناته مظمونه
For the servants, paradise is guaranteed

أجْر الخدمه محسوب بالمحشر عرفناه
The reward of the service is counted, we knew it in the hereafter
غفران كل الإذنوب صَرخَة وآ حُسيناه
The forgiveness of all sins is the cry “Alas upon Hussain!”
زوّاره زوّاره
His pilgrims

إنتاج: #الإسراء_ميديا - الكويت 1445/2023
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